Friday, May 9, 2014

Breitbart News leaves out reference to conflict of Fox News presenting Karl Rove as an election "analyst" when Rove has personal and financial interest in election outcomes via his PAC

5/8/14,  "Mark Levin to GOP Establishment: 'But for the Tea Party, You'd Be Nothing'," Breitbart, Tony Lee

"He (Mr. Levin) questioned how Rove could be an analyst when he runs a group that has a direct interest in the outcome of primaries."...(2nd parag. from end)
Comment: Mr. Levin didn't just cite Rove as "an analyst." He referenced Rove as an analyst "on the Fox News Channel" while running a PAC with interests in these elections. At 2:09 in his Wed. 5/7 show Mr. Levin said:
"I've gotten more emails today complaining that Karl Rove is on the Fox News Channel while on the other hand he's running this American Crossroads thing, and then he's asked to analyze what happened in the election when in fact how can he analyze it when he's running that PAC?"

Breitbart News appears to have a business relationship with Fox News. Near the bottom of its website is the phrase, "From our partners" followed by headlines from, "Fox News Politics," "Fox News National," and "Fox News Sports." Perhaps the Breitbart "reporter" can't address negative aspects of Fox News. 


5/8/14, Free Republic commenter to article, "The Tea Party impact still looms large," WSJ

"Boehner, for example, is probably contemplating a career extending him much beyond 2016 and dreams of a cushy retirement on K St. as a rainmaker. As such, he is unmoved by the looming reality of a crashing national debt, a deteriorating economic base, a swelling array of international threats. These are not crises which dismay John Boehner, Boehner is motivated by far more pedestrian concerns: raising money which he distributes to congressional colleagues for reelection campaigns and thus permitting him to retain his speakership; maintaining relationships with deep pockets who will welcome him to K St.; collecting IOUs which can be cashed in upon retirement. Above all, he is motivated to avoid arousing personal animosity or political feuds which will diminish his brand on K St. 

The Tea Party represents a threat to this arrangement which is not just philosophical but structural and economic. Boehner profits from a top-down political party which controls campaign financing which in turn delivers sufficient number of voters to satisfy the needs of the big donors. The Tea Party is a grassroots organization whose goals and visions for America are for individual liberty, limited government, and an end to the cronyism which enriches fatcat donors. The Tea Party's funding system is the reverse of the arrangement which keeps establishment figures like John Boehner in power, it's a bottom-up small contributor system. The establishment Republicans get their funding by apportioning government cronyism to donors. 

Small wonder the establishment wing of the Republican Party has made a devil's bargain with Karl Rove to destroy the Tea Party because Karl Rove has a demonstrated ability to milk the fat cats and spend their money to protect people like Mitch McConnell and John Boehner.

At election time...establishment Republicans will run to the right but they will govern to the left. K St. will be advised with a wink and a nod that the base needs red meat but sausage making will always be done behind closed doors.

5 posted on Friday, May 09, 2014 3:53:14 AM by nathanbedford ("Attack, repeat, attack!" Bull Halsey)"

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