Wednesday, May 14, 2014

36,000 murderers, rapists, and kidnappers are let out of jail in 2013. "Republicans" agree with Beltway mental cases that since no one's paying attention to US law, we must get new laws that nobody will enforce, "conservatives" must be less rigid, agree to get killed, maimed or raped even faster in Grover and Sal's third world American hell hole. How do these head cases know they and their families are exempt from 36,000 extra violent criminals on the street? Daniel Horowitz

Per CBS News "they have 193 homicide convictions and 426 sexual assault convictions...303 kidnapping convictions, 1,075 aggravated assault convictions, 1,160 stolen vehicle convictions, 9,187 dangerous drug convictions, 16,070 drunk or drugged driving convictions, 303 flight escape convictions."...

5/14/14, "There is a fire is raging," Daniel Horowitz, RedState

"Here is what happens when Republicans exhibit an insouciant attitude towards the administration’s appalling and dangerous open borders policies:

36,000 murderers, rapists, and kidnappers are let out of jail in 2013. 

Obama unilaterally suspends deportations and changes visa laws.  

He also openly refers to immigration enforcement as “not smart.”  This, as our visa screening system has already failed to root out terror threats.

Meanwhile, the vocal bipartisan consensus to erase our borders engenders a new surge in illegal immigration from Central American countries and even from Mexico.

Many of us have our pet peeve issues that we feel are not being addressed by those who claim to represent conservatives in Washington. But it is fairly safe to say that no issue reaches the magnitude of this one in terms of the immanency of the problem.  While Republicans negotiate with themselves over the non-sequitur and non-pressing issue of what to do with those here illegally for a long time, they are telegraphing the message to Obama that whatever he does to shred the Constitution and engender a new wave of illegals is just cool.

Put simply, the silence on the part of Republicans, and even some prominent conservatives, is appalling.

Letting out thousands of dangerous aliens and creating a new wave of illegal migration is more of an imminent and ongoing problem that will affect the security, fiscal stability, and social fabric of this country in a more deleterious way than the Benghazi scandal.  Not to diminish the importance of investigating that scandal, but if Benghazi warranted a select committee, Obama’s dangerous open borders policies and belligerent abuse of power should spawn a full-scale funding battle for those executive agencies responsible for these dastardly illegal acts.  As passionately as many of us felt about using the power of the purse vested in the House to fight Obamacare and the debt, those issues look relatively small as compared to the brush fire at our borders.

It is sickening to hear one Republican or phony conservative after another not only ignore the 10-alarm fire at our border and actually refer to Obama’s pyromania as “immigration reform.”  We are the true advocates of immigration reform; our opponents are the ones who want to exacerbate everything that is broken with the system.  It is unforgivable for Republicans to wink and nod and even give aid and comfort to those who are endangering the country and erasing our sovereignty.

Just this morning, Senator Reid and Schumer took to the Senate floor to push for amnesty.  As we’ve learned from the past, there is no better coordination in Washington than the kabuki theater choreographed by Schumer and Republican supporters of open borders. They are timing this effort in conjunction with Obama’s new illegal acts, Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue’s remarks, Grover Norquist’s announcement of a weekly open borders call with the media, and Sal Russo’s op-ed cheering on Obama’s malfeasance.

Much like any other policy debate, reasonable people can disagree over what to do with those here in the long run or the level of legal immigration and guest workers. But for Republicans to cheer on Obama while he violates the Constitution, breaks our borders, engenders a new increase in illegal immigration, and releases criminal aliens onto the streets is beneath contempt."


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