Monday, April 21, 2014

No Rule of Law in US, fed. court ordered deportation of Pakistani national convicted of perjury and voter fraud, but court order was voided by Obama admin. lawyers-Debbie Schlussel

4/9/14, "EXCLUSIVE: Obama Won’t Deport Muslim Illegal Alien Convicted of Voter Fraud After Spending $$$s Beating Him in Court; ICE Agents Outraged," Debbie Schlussel

" has exclusively learned that the Obama Administration refuses to deport a Muslim illegal alien who was convicted of voter fraud, EVEN AFTER a Federal Court of Appeals (and every court before that) has ordered that he should be deported.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents are rightfully angry that, despite their hard work in investigating Asif Gulzar Pasha, a Pakistani national who voted illegally in North Carolina in 2004 and falsely claimed to be a U.S. citizen, he remains on U.S. soil. He’s living freely and snubbing his nose at them, even after the 11th Circuit U.S. Federal Court of Appeal ruled that he is guilty and ordered him deported (read the Court’s opinion). That was back in July 2012. In fact, Pasha bragged to ICE agents that he is still here and rubbed their noses in it. Pasha said that while the local ICE office was fighting to deport him, it was all for nothing because ICE Headquarters directed that Pasha NOT be deported and be left alone. HUH?

The Obama Administration has been claiming in documents and memos to ICE that only convicted felons are to be arrested and deported. But, as you know, that’s not what’s happening. And Pasha is yet another example. From the 11th Circuit’s opinion:

"Under penalty of perjury, Pasha signed one of these DMV forms and indicated that he was a United States citizen, even though he knew that he was not. This false representation gave him the benefit of the right to vote. After he falsely filled out the application, he further acted on the misrepresentation by actually voting in the 2004 general elections."

Says a source:

"Can you believe that?! Not only does his case show that voter fraud in North Carolina does exist, but he got away with it because ICE HQ directed that he not be deported. This is a horrible loophole in efforts to combat voter fraud. North Carolina citizens deserve to know why someone who illegally voted in their election is still in the country. Who knows, maybe he’ll try to vote again in 2016."

ICE tried to deport Pasha, but he filed suit and appealed it every step of the way, losing each time, including at the final destination, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, which ordered him deported. ICE and the Justice Department spent millions of dollars to beat Pasha, and they won. But they refuse to deport him, and he’s laughing at us and at the hard-working agents who did their job and investigated him.

I’m told by ICE agents and lawyers that in many cases, like this one, ICE’s Office of the Principal Legal Advisor (OPLA)–the division of ICE attorneys that represent the agency against illegal aliens in Immigration Court–is behind the orders not to deport convicted criminal illegal aliens, a new development under Barack Obama. I’m told that ICE legal officials, Riah Ramlogan and James Stolley, are behind these problems in which convicted illegal alien criminals, whom federal courts have ordered deported, are not deported pursuant to the insistence of these apparently lawless Obama ICE officials.

ICE agents and lawyers also say that, under Obama, ICE OPLA Headquarters has hamstrung its attorneys, and enacted the following absurd unwritten “rules,” designed to make ICE Lawyers lose their cases and minimize deportations of illegal aliens until amnesty comes. I’ll be giving you more details regarding that in a future post on this site.

For now, Asif Gulzar Pasha is having the last laugh.

This criminal was ordered deported by an Immigration Court. He was ordered deported by the Board of Immigration Appeals. And then he was ordered deported by the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

But ICE lawyers in Washington, doing Barack Obama’s bidding, ordered him not deported. And I guess they are the real judge, jury, and (non-)executioner.

BTW, I guess I’m supposed to pretend–we’re all supposed to–that Pasha didn’t commit voter fraud and that we don’t need stronger voter ID laws. Because, after all, the media and the left tell us that voter fraud never happens."...

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