Thursday, April 10, 2014

New Va. GOP Exec. Dir. Shaun Kenney slanders innocent Americans as 'nativist haters,' 'poison,' who must be 'driven out' of Republican Party to make way for millions of illegal aliens from Mexico. Says Americans who simply want borders protected are 'horribly violent', compares to John Birchers. Meets with amnesty group 1st day on job

Hate-spewing new Virginia GOP Exec. Dir. Shaun Kenney was cheered by Breitbart News and RedState. Kenney met with open borders group "Fast for Families" hours after taking office:

4/8/14, "GOP official says his party’s full of bigots!" Daily Caller, Mickey Kaus

Kenney, 4/3/14
"Finesse? Not Since Jefferson Dined Alone … : 

A man named Shaun Kenney was recently named Executive Director of the Virginia Republican party.  Here is a post of his from the blog, Bearing Drift. [2/11/14]  In it he argues that  

Conservatives have a moral duty to drive out nativism once and for all.” 

It becomes clear by the end of the post that when he says “nativist” he’s including more or less everyone in the party who opposes “comprehensive immigration reform.” 

“There are 12 million people in the United States today who want a better lives for themselves and their families, whose only crime was that they came to America to do it.‘”The nativists have a very simple solution: apprehend all 12 million of them, boxcar them back to their point of origin, and drive them out as so many locusts. 

”The American conservative movement has driven out ideologies from our camp once before. We drove out the progressives and the America First movement in the 1940s. We did it again with the John Birch Society in the 1960s. We did it once again with the anarchists in the 1980s. Every time we have purged the ranks of poison, we have emerged stronger … 

It’s time to clean house....

1)  The nativists have no home in the modern Republican Party
...(2)  Conservatives have a moral duty to drive out nativism once and for all... 

‘”You will hear a lot of talk in the coming months about immigration reform. In it will be included guest worker programs, documented worker status, real border enforcement that doesn’t require walls, and a sound program that takes an antiquated immigration system and brings it into the 21st century. That’s not amnesty, that’s reform.
“Conservatives embrace the idea of more Americans coming into this country to work hard and prosper.

Nativists reject Pedro.

The Republican Party has a duty to preserve what is ennobling about the American experiment.  A modern day version of Operation Wetback with jackboots and checkpoints designed to boxcar 8-20 million people back “their point of origin” (read: Mexico) is obtuse at best and

horribly violent to our civil liberties
at worse.  Conservatives are smarter than this, and America deserves better than nativist hate.
Drive ‘em out, ladies and gentlemen. Generations are watching."


4/3/14, Image caption: "Hours after arriving in Richmond on April 3, 2014, Fast for Families meets with Shaun Kenney, Executive Director of the Virginia Republican Party.


Brief comments to above at Instapundit. The worst is that Kenney was cheered by RedState and Breitbart. It's a disgrace that anyone thinks Breitbart is the "tea party site," further it's a disgrace to Andrew Breitbart's memory. They should take his name off the site. Right now they're just living off the $10 million that was given to Andrew shortly before his death and they're using it to prop up the establishment. As for RedState. They may seem to care about us but they don't. There's simply no money in defending the people.



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