Sunday, March 2, 2014

Twitter session informs Fox News hack Brit Hume he has it exactly backwards. His GOP establishment has veered left. Tea Party/Silent Majority people haven't veered right-Jen Kuznicki

3/26/14, "Reaganites Strike Back at Brit Hume on Twitter,"

"A facebook friend, Brian Sullivan, alerted me to the twitter back and forth between Brit Hume and conservatives who appreciate Ted Cruz.

Hume had admonished those who admire Ted Cruz’s monstrous efforts against the establishment GOP in a tweet on Friday....

In the end, Hume is repeating a mantra coming from the establishment. That Reagan, whom they now accept was a great President, even though they tried to stop him, smear him, and push him around, could never be elected today because the tea party and constitutional conservatives of today are way too far right. 

They are wrong. The establishment has gone way too far left, and conservatism is timeless, based upon the ancients, and steady like a rock, like Reagan and Cruz and others who love this country as founded.

Shirley added:

It is all a question of perspective. It is not that the tea party is more conservative but the establishment is more liberal.

Exactly right."


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