Saturday, March 22, 2014

Tea Party Patriots endorse Republican Matt Bevin for US Senate from Kentucky

3/21/14, "Tea Party Patriots endorse Bevin," The Hill, Alexandra Jaffe

"Sen. Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) primary challenger, businessman Matt Bevin, picked up another national Tea Party endorsement on Friday.

Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund is backing Bevin and launching an independent expenditure in the race, which an aide to the group said would come in the form of grassroots organizing and direct outreach to voters rather than advertising.

Jenny Beth Martin, the group’s president, said it's backing Bevin because he’s “a job-creator, family man, and community leader committed to fighting for personal freedom, economic freedom, and a debt free future.”

Unlike the incumbent, Matt Bevin has never voted to raise the debt ceiling, has never cut a deal with Joe Biden to raise taxes by $600 billion, and has never worked to ‘crush’ his political opponents,” she added.

Martin also said that because McConnell’s been in Congress for decades he could have used his leadership to reign in government spending, but instead, Senator McConnell worked with the Obama Administration to raise taxes, has voted to raise the debt ceiling ten times, and has added pork barrel projects to further his own career instead of the needs of the American people.”

Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund also endorsed Sen. Thad Cochran's (R-Miss.) primary challenger, state Sen. Chris McDaniel, earlier this week.

Bevin has the backing of nearly every national conservative group, including the Senate Conservatives Fund and FreedomWorks. The Club for Growth hasn’t yet weighed in on the race and has signaled it ultimately might sit the primary out.

Conservatives feel McConnell is vulnerable to a primary challenge due to his support for the financial bailout and a number of votes to raise the debt limit, including one contentious vote just a few months ago.

But Bevin hasn’t yet managed to close the double-digit lead McConnell has posted in every public poll of the race, and has just two months left to do so.

If McConnell makes it through the primary, he’s expected to face Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes in the general election." via Mark Levin twitter


Image, 1/4/2013, Backslapper McConnell and Obama, Getty


3/12/14, The LA Times is thrilled that Mitch McConnell pointedly refused to deny the existence of man-caused global warming climate terror. $1 billion a day was invested in the idea of "global warming" in 2012 alone. Pretty good for something that doesn't exist:

3/12/14, "How curbing climate change can prevent Russia from becoming a superpower," LA Times, Matthew Fleisher, guest blogger

"On Monday night, Democratic senators held an all night “talk-athon” on the Senate floor to bring increased attention to the issue of climate change. Predictably, their efforts were mocked by the Republican leadership.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky
called the Democratic efforts "30 hours of excuses" for why "families are losing work because of government attacks on the coal industry."

Interestingly, McConnell didn’t deny that global warming existed. His argument was that fighting climate change isn’t worth the economic costs. That puts him in line with the majority of non-tea party Republicans on the issue -- 61 percent of whom, according to a recent Pew poll, agree that global warming is occurring."...


McConnell's "global warming strategy" of changing the subject to jobs (cited in above 2014 LA Times article) may reflect GOP "leadership" strategy that began in mid 2013. As reported by Politico, GOP "leadership" policy on global warming became, "change the subject to jobs." This allows massive criminal theft from US taxpayers to continue, gives Obama and his EU partners freedom to continue meetings and drafting of language to tie US taxpayers to a 2015 UN climate treaty and then to endless "post 2015" UN programs via John Podesta and UN parasites :

6/27/13, "GOP climate tack: Talk jobs, not science," Politico Pro, Darren Goode

"Republican leaders have a clear strategy for combating President Barack Obama’s climate agenda: Don’t talk about the science.

Just as top Republicans have called for their party to rebrand itself by avoiding rhetoric that alienates minorities, young voters and women, key GOP lawmakers are trying to stay out of the long-running debate about whether global warming is real..."


Note: In the above Politico article when terms "science" and "the science" are used it's with the implication that scientific proof exists of catastrophic human caused global warming, that the US is mainly the cause of it, that US taxpayers must pay many more trillions for it than they've already paid, and sign a UN climate treaty. There's actually scientific proof of the reverse, that CO2 doesn't cause temperature increase including a 30 year peer reviewed study:

"Fig. 1. Monthly global atmospheric CO2
(NOOA; green), monthly global sea surface temperature (HadSST2; blue stippled) and monthly global surface air temperature (HadCRUT3; red), since January 1980. Last month shown is December 2011."

January 2013, "The phase relation between atmospheric carbon dioxide and global temperature," Global and Planetary Change,

Even if Politico's version of "science" were true, China controls global CO2. The US has no ability to make significant change in global CO2. No matter how much we harm our economy it's negated by China. The US EPA has essentially confirmed this twice in the Federal Register, 1/8/14, and 9/20/13, stating that Obama proposed rules to reduce CO2 emissions from power plants will have "negligible CO2 emissions changes." Why didn't Mitch McConnell say this, that even the EPA says Obama rules against power plants won't improve emissions? This is ample justification to cancel the rules:

1/8/14, "Standards of Performance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From New Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units," US Federal Register

"I. General Information," "A. Executive Summary"

"3. Costs and Benefits"

"Therefore, based on the analysis presented in Chapter 5 of the RIA, the EPA projects that this proposed rule will result in negligible CO 2 emission changes, quantified benefits, and costs by 2022. [2]"... 


On 9/20/13, EPA again in the Federal Register said new Obama power plant rules will result in "no notable CO2 emission changes":

9/20/13, EPA  text (pp 343, 346) says its rule limiting CO2 emissions in new power plants will have no notable effect on CO2 emissions:

Sept. 20, 2013, Environmental Protection Agency, “Standards of Performance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from New Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units Proposed Rule.” Submitted “for publication in the Federal Register”
page 343, “X. “Impacts of the Proposed Action”

p. 346, E. “What are the economic and employment impacts?  

The EPA does not anticipate that this proposed rule will result in notable CO2 emission changes, energy impacts, monetized benefits, costs, or economic impacts by 2022. The owners of newly built electric generating units will likely choose technologies that meet these standards even in the absence of this proposal due to existing economic conditions as normal business practice. Likewise, the EPA
believes this rule will not have any impacts on the price of electricity, employment or labor markets, or the U.S. economy.

p. 346, F. What are the benefits of the proposed standards?  

As previously stated, the EPA does not anticipate that the power industry will incur compliance costs as a result of this proposal and we do not anticipate any notable CO2 emission changes resulting from the rule. Therefore, there are no direct monetized climate benefits in terms of CO2 emission reductions associated with this rulemaking. However, by clarifying that in the future, new coal-fired power plants will be required to meet a particular performance standard, this rulemaking reduces uncertainty and may enhance the prospects for new coal-fired generation and the deployment of CCS, and thereby promote energy diversity.” (end page 346)

A Republican consultant quoted in 6/27/13, Politico article, "GOP climate tack: Talk jobs, not science," seems to suggest the lure of global warming for politicians. Mitch McConnell has nurtured the multi-trillion dollar climate scare industry for decades. At minimum he's done nothing to stop it:

"“If you really believe or accept that global warming is a legitimate, real, immediate threat, then there's no amount of money you wouldn't pay to avoid it" he said. “But if it’s not, then you can talk about the economics all you want.”"


Ed. note: The white patches behind part of this post were put there by my longtime google hackers. 

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