Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Mitch McConnell legacy is steady drop of Republican Party to 25 yr. low. Most visible 'Republican' for 30 years, microphone available daily for 30 yrs. to articulate specific Republican plans. His job was at minimum to ensure strong two party system but he achieved the opposite

3/18/14, "Every Time A Conservative Caves An Independent Gets His Wings," Jen Kuznicki

"We are told that the reason that more and more people are identifying as Independents is because Americans are just really sick of the do-nothing Congress. We are supposed to believe that Americans want the Republicans and Democrats to “get along” and “get things done.”

According to a recent Gallup poll, more people have identified as Independents and less as Republicans in the past 25 years. This graph from Gallup shows the stark contrast from two and a half decades ago, when Ronald Reagan was leaving office. Independent and Republican were at the same levels, but now Republicans are at 25% identification and Independents are at 42%.

1988 thru 2013
In Republican politics, this is a dream for the consultant class, because they believe that being an Independent means you are to the left of the Republican Party, and can be coaxed to vote for them, with a message similar to Democrats. The consultant class believes that the pathetic 25% party identification is because no sane person would want people to think they are in the same party as tea party people, and because of that, the leadership and machine continue to smear and discredit tea party Republicans, or Constitutional Conservatives, if you will.

The poll shows that identification as a Democrat has gone down in the past 25 years, and reflects the lower number of people who voted for Obama in 2012 than in 2008. The Republican Party lost to Obama even as Obama lost ten million votes in four years time.  It also shows that Democrat party identification went down as much as Independent and Republican identification went up, when the tea party hit the scene in 2009 through 2010.  But since then, the Republican Party has had a difficult time retaining cheerleaders.

So what does each party do in the face of such polling?  The Democrats have remained steady though on a downward trend, but have fed their base in an election year with some real red meat: raising the minimum wage and claiming Republicans are racists and bigots. The Republicans are at the lowest point, (can you get much lower than 25% and remain a viable party?) and they are shunning their base, deleting social issue defenses, and blaming the tea party for ruining their plans, or something, but most importantly, they are not effective in opposing the Democrats, or even using the tools granted them by the Constitution.  The Democrats look at that poll and say, “time for some red meat issues,” and the Republicans look at that poll, misinterpreting why so many identify as Independents, and craft their election around winning Independents over, a near impossible task, because a significant number of Independents are now the tea party and the Party’s base.

What’s that you say?  The base can’t leave…they’re the base! Yet they are in fact, leaving.

If the surge of Independents means that the tea party and the Republican base are having nothing to do with the Republican Party, while the Democrat Party is feeding red meat issues to its base, it would mean the Republican Party could lose everything they gained in 2010, and perhaps more. 

Especially if the consultant class believes that feeding Independents liberal tripe will get them to vote Republican.

So the “do-nothing” Congress isn’t necessarily called the do-nothings because they aren’t getting enough legislation passed, they are do-nothing because they are doing nothing to stop this President.

We are always told that elections have consequences, yet distrust of government is at an all-time high, both major parties are losing cheerleaders, and Congress’ job approval remains at an all-time low, as linked in the Gallup story, should show party leadership that the consequences to refusing to stand by election promises could be a severe routing this fall.

Whether 2014 is the anti-2010 remains to be seen, but a repeat of 2010 does not seem likely, based on issues, numbers, and actions of both parties. One thing is for sure, though, every issue Obama stands for, America is running away from, and every time a Republican is seen as allowing Obama to ride roughshod over them, more people become Independents.
"This article first appeared at CNS News"


3/14/13, "They [the establishment] then took that [Tea Party] victory and threw it away"….Pat Caddell 


Another Gallup chart below shows Tea Party and its independent leaners were the only Republican growth after George Bush, but the  GOP establishment threw the hard fought Tea Party victories away

1/8/14, "Record-High 42% of Americans Identify as Independents," Gallup, Jeffrey M. Jones, "Republican identification lowest in at least 25 years."

"Not since 1983, when Gallup was still conducting interviews face to face, has a lower percentage of Americans, 24%, identified as Republicans."... 



1991-thru 2013 incl. leaning, shows only incr. after 2004 was Tea Party, same as chart in article above, 1988 thru 2013.


The Rupert Murdoch, Fox News enabled GOP is anything but a political party. It's this country's greatest enemy. It makes fortunes conning innocent Americans:

3/17/14, "Report: GOP Consultant Class Continues to Get Fabulously Rich," Breitbart, Matthew Boyle

"A new report from Politico’s Ken Vogel details how ten major GOP consultant firms who made a combined $1 billion off Mitt Romney’s failed 2012 White House bid are still large and in charge of GOP politics, raking in millions more for the 2014."...


3/17/14, "Revenge of the Republican consultants," Politico, Kenneth P. Vogel

"While the animus toward the GOP’s reigning consultants continues to simmer among the tea party ranks, it was much less prominent at this year’s recently concluded CPAC, though Caddell did get some raucous applause when he revisited his 2013 stem-winder.

“I was here last year and caused some problems because I attacked the Republican consultant-lobbyist class as a racketeering operation that had not only blown the election, but had looted the system,” Caddell said, during a panel on electoral trends. “And I don’t want to reprise that other than to say they understand one thing — if they can just hold on, they will get all the money back, and that’s what’s happening. So the people who lost for you before — and are willing to lose as long as they can preserve their situation — are now in charge of your great hopes for 2014.”"...(end p. 2)


In 2012 Romney and GOP consultants had no intention of beating Obama:

12/22/12, The story behind Mitt Romney’s loss in the presidential campaign to President Obama, Boston Globe, Michael Kranish

“Building on its 2008 field organ­ization, Obama’s campaign had far more people on the ground, for longer periods, and backed by better data. In Florida, for example, the ­Romney campaign said it had fewer than 200 staff members on the ground, a huge commitment

of its total of 500 nationwide.
But the Obama campaign had 770 staff in Florida 

out of 3,000 or so nationwide….

Indeed, in swing state after swing state, the Obama field team was much bigger than the Romney troops.

Obama had 123 offices in Ohio, compared with Romney’s 40.

Obama had 59 offices in Colorado, compared with Romney’s 15,

accord­ing to statistics compiled by the Obama campaign.”…


12/23/12, "Mitt's Son Says He Never Wanted to be President Anyway," Atlantic Wire, Connor Simpson

"If you thought the tale of how Mitt Romney lost the general election was already told, you would be wrong. Because there is so much left to tell, like how Mitt never wanted to be President anyway.  

At least, that's what Tagg Romney says in this new Boston Globe report on what went wrong with Romney's campaign. While the rest of the piece seems to say the problems lay in the Romney campaign's lack of technical advantage, and refusal to introduce the world to Mitt Romney, the human being, this little morsel from the Republican's son points to a larger problem:
He wanted to be president less than anyone I’ve met in my life. He had no desire to...run,” said Tagg, who worked with his mother, Ann, to persuade his father to seek the presidency. “If he could have found someone else to take his place...he would have been ecstatic to step aside."

So, yeah, that might explain why Mitt lost. Not wanting the job you need to publicly campaign for more than a year to get is step one in the "Not Getting Elected Guide for Dummies" book. Again, the rest of the mammoth piece, which you really should read, paints a larger picture of the struggle between Mitt's inner circle and his campaign advisors over whether they should humanize Mitt, which was ultimately their downfall. 

And, also, the Obama campaign had more staff and cooler tech stuff....".



In 2012 Romney refused to give any of his famous money to his campaign, even chose fundraising over campaigning in the stretch:

9/25/12, Why doesn’t Mitt Romney contribute to his own campaign? Reuters, Michael Waldman
"Lately, Mitt Romney has been so consumed with fundraising that his aides have had to defend his absence from the stump....

Romney, for whatever reason, has failed to use his personal wealth to pay his campaign’s bills. His refusal to self-finance is one of the mysteries of this campaign.”…

Comment: The "mystery" is that Romney never wanted to run, fraudulently took money from people, is a con man, and is now into his new career as go-to political good fella of the Imperial Ruling Class to undermine conservatives and the two party system. 


In the 2012 election, “The Republican Party abandoned” the issue of repealing ObamaCare. A majority of the people wanted to repeal Obamacare, [an issue that] the Republican Party abandoned, Caddell noted.”:

The 2010 takeover of Congress by the Republicans, Caddell said, “was not engineered by the Washington Republican establishment. They [the establishment] then took that victory and threw it away"….

11/28/12, "The Incestuous Bleeding of the Republican Party," Erick Erickson, RedState

"Strip away the candidate and coalition and it is on the fifth floor of 66 Canal Center Plaza where the seeds of Mitt Romney’s ruin and the RNC’s get out the vote (GOTV) effort collapsed — bled to death by charlatan consultants making millions off the party,

its donors,

and the grassroots."...



2/25/12, "66 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 555," NY Times

"In a single office suite in Alexandria, Va., firms hired by “super PACs” share the same space as consultants hired by the Romney campaign. Federal law prohibits super PACs from directly coordinating with candidates, but the groups share many ties and have paid for many similar services."...


11/29/12, "Who's getting rich off of GOP defeat?" Rosslyn Smith, American Thinker


By 2011 it was clear the Republican Party had no intention of repealing ObamaCare:

11/28/11, It’s the Obamacare, Stupid, Jeffrey H. Anderson, Weekly Standard

"The Republicans’ core problem...is that they’ve forgotten to ride the wave that brought them here. Republicans didn’t get elected in 2010 because of voters’ dissatisfaction with the Democrats’ handling of the economy. They got elected because the Democrats openly and arrogantly ignored the voters’ will in passing the monstrosity that is Obamacare.”…


The Radical Left loves Rupert Murdoch's guy Karl Rove because he helps them win:

2/8/13, “Karl Rove’s Courage,Slate.com, by John Dickerson 

Why it was brave—and smart—for him to challenge the Tea Party.”


Comment: The US is supposed to have a two party system. At the moment it has only one functioning party. That's the definition of a dictatorship.

Image, 1/4/2013, McConnell and Obama, Getty


Republican "leader" Mitch McConnell tells NY Times he's going to "crush" conservative Republicans:

3/8/2014, "Leading Republicans Move to Stamp Out Challenges From Right," NY Times, Carl Hulse

This election season, Republicans led by Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky are taking a much harder line as they sense the majority within reach. Top congressional Republicans and their allies are challenging the advocacy groups head on in an aggressive effort to undermine their credibility. The goal is 
to deny them any Senate primary victories, 
cut into their fund-raising and 
diminish them as a future force in Republican politics.
I think we are going to crush them everywhere, Mr. McConnell, the Senate Republican leader, said in an interview, referring to the network of activist organizations working against him and two Republican incumbents in Kansas and Mississippi while engaging in a handful of other contests. “I don’t think they are going to have a single nominee anywhere in the country.”...
“I know this: Politics doesn’t like losers,” said Mr. McConnell, who suggested that a high-profile series of defeats would deflate the groups. “If you don’t have anything to point to, it is kind of hard to keep it going.”"...

2/20/13, "As Country Club Republicans Link Up With The Democratic Ruling Class, Millions Of Voters Are Orphaned," Angelo Codevilla, Forbes, op-ed  

They "collude and demand submission as did the royal courts of old."....(subhead 'Public Safety')" 


"So long as the Uniparty exists, mere voters will have no way of affecting what the government does."

12/15/13, "Breaking The UniParty," Angelo Codevilla


11/8/13, The Sabotage Republicans,” By Jeffrey Lord, American Spectator


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