Tuesday, March 11, 2014

'Mitch McConnell backer Ann Coulter lies about Ted Cruz and gets amnesty push 100% wrong,' plus amnesty fanboy Mitch McConnell timeline!-Jen Kuznicki

"Mitch McConnell is for, and always has been for amnesty.  Daniel Horowitz provides a timeline"...
3/10/14, "UPDATE! McConnell Backer Ann Coulter Lies About Ted Cruz and Gets Amnesty Push 100% Wrong," Jen Kuznicki

"Last Thursday on the Fox News show Hannity, Ann Coulter appeared in order to respond to Chris Christie’s speech at CPAC. (See video embedded below.)
HANNITY: I think Cruz gave a good speech today.
COULTER: Um, well I noticed in your, when you were showing all the CPAC speakers, the big famous ones, um, every single one of them is for amnesty.  And that’s something you’ll notice about this year’s CPAC, it’s not, no anti-amnesty speakers allowed.  I will be giving the rebuttal by the way, at 2pm,
HANNITY: Ted Cruz, Rand Paul are against amnesty.
COULTER: Rand Paul, I didn’t see him.
HANNITY: And Marco Rubio, same thing, Marco Rubio changed his
COULTER: (Raising her voice over Hannity) Marco Rubio wrote that bill, and it passed!
HANNITY: And he said he regretted it.
COULTER: And he pushed it.
HANNITY: Let me finish, he now says he regrets it, do you not believe him?
COULTER: A little late now!
HANNITY: I agree, but I’m just telling you where he stands now.
COULTER: Cruz is for a path to legalization and incidentally, I don’t think Chris Christie has become stupid, he came out for amnesty, he did it in a lot smarter way than those guys did.  
So just in case you misunderstood, Coulter was driving the conversation toward smearing Ted Cruz, praising Rand Paul, and of course we all know how she feels about Marco Rubio, what with her recent kook comment that Republicans hate black people.

The first time I ever heard the phrase, “path to legalization” was from Rand Paul, actually.  This Washington Post article from a year ago detailed his comments.  Since then, he has backed down, and eventually voted against the proposal that the gang of eight ended up with in the Senate.

And just in case you think Coulter misunderstood or didn’t hear Sean’s comment that both Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are against amnesty, she reiterated and pressed the point when she smeared Cruz for Paul’s, “path to legalization.” And to top it all off, she credits her, “dead to me” ex-friend Chris Christie for being for amnesty the smart way.
Don’t look at me, she’s the one who said it.  She later said,
“as I said on this program a few weeks ago, if you want to see who’s really going after the establishment, I wanna hear they’re going after someone who supports amnesty.”
“The only thing standing between us and amnesty right now is Mitch McConnell.”
Say what?

Mitch McConnell allowed it to pass in the Senate.  Sure, he voted against it, but so did Ted Cruz.  In fact, Ted Cruz urged Republicans in the House to block amnesty to help Republicans take the Senate in 2014, while “McConnell didn’t use procedural devices to stall or dilute the bill,” when it passed with 14 of the Republicans in the Senate he is currently the leader of.  Ted Cruz called the path to citizenship, “profoundly unfair,” while McConnell changes the subject at hand to discuss his wife’s immigrant beginnings.

So, exactly how is Mitch the guy who is blocking amnesty?
To hear Coulter tell it, because if we win the Senate, McConnell will be the Majority Leader, and presto, no amnesty, no pathway to citizenship, no pathway to legalization, or however you want to put it.

But that shallow analysis, though par for Coulter, is far too simple for those of us paying attention.

Daniel Horowitz of Red State and the Madison Project has submitted insightful commentary and spot-on analysis of McConnell’s work behind the scenes in the Senate, from his longing to be the Great Compromiser, to his well-deserved title of Prince of Illegal Immigration.  Just a month and a half ago, Horowitz pointed to a Wall Street Journal piece that said the House will bring up amnesty by April and a few days ago, showed how McConnell gets his amnesty wishes accomplished without any fingerprints through the NRSC.

Dan Riehl has continually pointed out what the NRSC is up to with McConnell’s blessings.  His latest piece shows just how useful McConnell is to the left by dividing his own forces and showing terribly bad leadership skills. Riehl is serious enough to encourage conservatives to refuse to support McConnell in the general if he happens to win the primary.
Taken as a whole, from his actions directly after the shutdown, to his self-serving manipulations of the NRSC, to his new quotes in the New York Times, McConnell has exposed himself as an unworthy leader of the Republican Party – even if he does ultimately win his primary.
Personally, I see no reason for conservatives to support McConnell even in any potential general election. It’s time to put an end to the divide and conquer politics of a too-long-in the-tooth GOP leadership that refuses to relinquish power to a much needed new generation of Republicans. If McConnell and too many of his fellow Republicans won’t step aside as they should, it’s time for conservatives to send a clear message that we will no longer be attacked and demonized relentlessly, only to be told to get in line at election time.
It’s easy enough to say, hey, Coulter’s a RINO, what do you expect?  But there is something strange about how she blames the blameless Cruz, unless….

Coulter is friends with the left, this we all know.  One of her friends is Mickey Kaus, a man who is a liberal, but is with Coulter on the immigration issue.  Coulter had a “debate” with Kaus last week, and I’ve seen her retweet a multitude of his points from the Daily Caller, where he writes.

A couple of Kaus’ pieces attacked Cruz for wanting to defund Obamacare, when he could have tried to stop amnesty in the Senate.  This sin, according to Kaus the lib, is why he is blaming Ted Cruz for amnesty, even though
Cruz is against amnesty, and not the leader of the Senate.
So, from a Kaus the lib standpoint, Cruz is a strong leader, but since he refuses to use his Latino-ness to counter Rubio, he’ll get the blame for amnesty.

Kaus then came up with the term, “path to legalization,” even though Cruz’ stated intent is what conservatives sought, and of course Kaus misrepresents Cruz’ meaning, while parroting NRSC’s line that conservatives, on the whole are just trying to get popular and make a buck rather than stay true to their campaign promises.

So, once again, Coulter relies on the left to hurt conservatives and bolster the establishment.

By the way, it is my view that no matter what happens, the GOP will approve amnesty, unless we get rid of the leadership and install fighters like Cruz.  That has to happen this year.  I do not believe amnesty will pass in the House in an election year, but I know the GOP is in line to do so.  It is their stated goal in their “autopsy report” and all of K Street is behind it.  Coulter isn’t stopping amnesty, she is helping make it so.
Horowitz points out that McConnell is pulling the strings, and just as Mark Levin has said, that McConnell is working in the shadows to pass it, and that is one of the main reasons he has to be defeated


Mitch McConnell is for, and always has been for amnesty.  Daniel Horowitz provides a timeline"... via Mark Levin twitter


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