Friday, March 14, 2014

In Jan. 2014 "influential conservative" Chamber of Commerce Pres. Tom Donahue said "we" Republicans aren't going to get rid of ObamaCare, "we" have to find ways to make it work-NPR

Chamber of Comm. Pres. Tom Donahue

NPR: "Influential conservative" Chamber of Commerce Pres. Tom Donahue in Jan. 2014 said "we" Republicans aren't going to get rid of ObamaCare so "we're going to have to devise ways to make it work:"

1/31/14, "More Republicans Push For Fixing, Not Repealing, Obamacare,", Eric Whitney

"A rift is growing between Tea Party activists and other Republicans over health care. Some influential conservatives are now saying the law is too entrenched to repeal.

Take the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, an influential business lobbying group. When the ACA passed in 2010, the chamber got behind the to fight it at the U.S. Supreme Court....

But now he's striking a different tone. "We're not going to get rid of that bill, and so we're going to have to devise ways to make it work," Donohue said at a recent news conference.

Some business reporters called that change in tone "a striking about face" and a "Nixon goes to China moment.""...

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