Friday, March 14, 2014

Can we get some global warming in here to save the US GDP?

3/13/14, ""It's The Weather's Fault"," Zero Hedge

"...but the second half of the year is going to be great... (or 3rd or 4th).

Of course, even if one believes that the weather is responsible for this - how worried should we be when cold weather in winter removes over 30% of the growth in US GDP!! Sustainable recovery or fragile and painful truth? Oh and for some context on this collapse in the US, here is Russia - and everyone is up in arms how bad this has been...

Charts from Zero Hedge. Zero Hedge says charts from Bloomberg, h/t to Not Jim Cramer. No links at Zero Hedge and I wasn't able to find them on my own. In the top chart, The bright green line likely represents original US GDP estimates which have now been revised downward. In the bottom chart, Russia GDP has the same trajectory as US GDP. Provided for laughing at politicians who've built global warming into a method for removing $1 billion a day from the world economy. Pretty good for something that doesn't exist.


3/13/14, "Revisions bite into retail sales, economists cut growth forecasts,", Adam Button


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