Saturday, February 15, 2014

The US government is at war with the American people-Quadrant Online, 6/10/13

6/10/13, "A loud and empty suit in the Chicago style," Quadrant Online, Australia, by Daryl McCann

"The strange case of the 44th President of the United States becomes more curious by the day. ...

The President of the United States appears to have declared peace in the world and war on Americans." (end of article)


Comment: Any US president with radical left views can do whatever he wants. There's no opposition party. The GOP has long since merged with radical left democrats rendering the entire US government at war against oblivious American citizens. They "collude and demand submission as did the royal courts of old."....(subhead 'Public Safety')"


"So long as the Uniparty exists, mere voters will have no way of affecting what the government does."

12/15/13, "Breaking The UniParty," Angelo Codevilla,


9/17/13, "The Obama-Boehner Project," Angelo M. Codevilla,  

"The ruling class’ foolishness and insincerity, its willingness to insult the American people’s intelligence, are no joke. But we can take comfort in its transparent ineptitude."


1/28/14, "The State of the Republican Party," Daniel Horowitz, RedState

"The big story for conservatives is not the President’s State of the Union Address. It is the broken state of the Republican Party – the party that is supposed to serve as a bulwark against the poisonous ideas propagated in that speech.

It certainly is egregious that we have a president who is brazenly implementing wage controls without congressional approval.  It is reprehensible that he speaks of inequality while promulgating regulations that throw people off their healthcare and destroy jobs in Appalachia.

But it is even more reprehensible that we have an opposition party that is hell-bent on rubber stamping Obama’s agenda, while engaging in a civil war with the party base that desires a bold contrast.

Obama is requesting endless debt ceiling increases. Mitch McConnell and John Boehner have made it clear they agree with his fallacious premise about default and plan to raise it, yet somehow extract concessions.

Obama has doubled down on Obamacare. Yet GOP leaders are owned by lobbyists who have made it clear they will never repeal the law.

Obama has shredded the Constitution and used illegal administrative power to advance legislation that never passed Congress. The GOP leadership has made it clear they will never use the power of the purse vested in the House to clamp down on those illegal maneuvers....

Obama speaks passionately about our obligation to open our citizenship and welfare state to illegal immigrants and the rest of the world without limits, yet Republicans respond… offering the same!  Their alacrity to open our doors and pocketbooks to illegals has already empowered the drug cartels to smuggle in more potential beneficiaries and future Democrat voters.

On Politico’s front page you will find an article titledBoehner Unchained,” which details the Speaker’s new mission to join with Obama and fight conservatives.  You will also find an article titled “GOP Ready to Surrender on Debt Ceiling.”...

The reason is quite simple.  GOP leaders don’t share our values. To the extent they humor us with some shiny objects it is designed to get the bills to conference so they can inject their real priorities into the final agreement. ...

We all know that this president is dangerous.  We need to defeat him and his party.  But if we focus exclusively on Obama and the priorities he laid out tonight and ignore the fire within the Republican Party, we are destined to play into his hands."....


among comments to above by Daniel Horowitz:


" 11 hours ago

Here's the problem... here in WA, the Republican Party is mainly controlled by McKeating-aligned "Mainstream Republicans of Washington", who are basically a front-group for the Dems to give the ILLUSION of choice."


2/20/13, "As Country Club Republicans Link Up With The Democratic Ruling Class, Millions Of Voters Are Orphaned," Angelo Codevilla, Forbes
"Increasingly the top people in government, corporations, and the media collude and demand submission as did the royal courts of old."....(subhead 'Public Safety')


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