Thursday, February 27, 2014

Symbol of Allah has been scrubbed from Katy Perry You Tube video after Perry was accused of blasphemy-BBC

"It is unclear whether YouTube made the change or if it was instructed to by Perry's record company. The parties have yet to respond to BBC requests for a comment on the move."
2/27/14, "Katy Perry Dark Horse video edited," BBC

"The video for Katy Perry's track Dark Horse has been edited following claims from some Muslims it was blasphemous.

More than 65,000 people signed a petition which stated the clip - featuring a pendant with the Arabic word for God on it being reduced to sand - was offensive.

The music video has not been cut, but the pendant has now been digitally "scrubbed" out of the scene. Petition instigator Shazad Iqbal, said he was "thrilled" with the outcome.

"The name of Allah has been removed from the Dark Horse video - we couldn't have done it without everyone's support so I thank each and every one of you deeply, our voices have been heard," he wrote on

"I feel that the impact we have made and the total number of signatures obtained does convey just how worthy a cause this is, it is a significant step towards the right direction."

It is unclear whether YouTube made the change or if it was instructed to by Perry's record company. The parties have yet to respond to BBC requests for a comment on the move.

Perry's video features the pop star as an Egyptian queen who transforms suitors into sand by disintegrating them. Mr Iqbal, from Bradford, began the petition after he spotted one of the suitors wearing the pendant.

Explaining his reasons for starting the petition, Mr Iqbal wrote: "Blasphemy is clearly conveyed in the video, since Katy Perry - who appears to be representing an opposition of God - engulfs the believer and the word God in flames.

"Using the name of God in an irrelevant and distasteful manner would be considered inappropriate by any religion," he added.

The Dark Horse video has attracted more than 37 million views since it premiered on YouTube on 20 February."


*The Independent Katy Perry causes offence by burning 'Allah' pendant in 'Dark Horse' video 1 hr ago

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