Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Supposedly non-existent US 'climate action' began in early 1980's before UN IPCC even existed. U.S. gov. policies diverted taxpayer cash to 'possible climate change linked to greenhouse gas emissions.' By 1990 US 'climate action' was mandated with more mandates added in following years further entwining fed. agencies, state and local govs., businesses and other entities.'

12/14/2005, "Climate Change: Federal Expenditures for Science and Technology," CRS Report for Congress, Climate Change: Federal Expenditures for Science and Technology,


For over 25 years [before 1980] there have been federal programs directly or indirectly related to climate change. This report identifies and discusses direct climate-focused scientific and research programs of the federal government, as well as an array of energy programs that relate indirectly to climate change. The U.S. Global Change Research Program in 
the George H. W. Bush Administration, and subsequently
in the Clinton Administration, funded studies to improve
scientific understanding of the processes that influence Earth’s climate, including trends on global and regional

Conclusions (near end of page)

Possible climate change linked to “greenhouse gas” emissions
has been addressed by various U.S. government policies since the early-1980s, with an emphasis on energy R&D and on climate research and services.20 U.S. efforts in the George H. W. Bush and Clinton Administrations toward R&D in energy efficiency and renewable energy, and research into climate and 
global change were mandated by the Energy Policy Act of 1992, which implemented the United States’ voluntary commitments under the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and by the Global Change Research Act of 1990. President Clinton’s 1993 Climate Change Action Plan 

linked or created partnerships among 

various federal agencies, 
state and 
local governments, and other entities

with the goal of reducing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions."

20. "Climate services are activities relating to the collection, management, and dissemination of climate data and information."


Comment: Why don't US politicians thank us every day for the money we've given them for "climate action?" There's no way to know the total amount of taxpayer cash that's been funneled to "climate action" since the early 1980's. Just from the above it's clear the web goes everywhere. Cash can be categorized as "science and technology," "research and development," "climate services," or in countless other ways via countless agencies and departments, "directly or indirectly." No politician has tried to stop this. All for something that that was at best "possible," and as a bonus is falsely used to gin up hatred against Americans. This fraud against the US taxpayer began with US politicians and continues today because of US politicians. In 2012 alone $1 billion a day was "invested" in the notion of "global warming.



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