Thursday, February 20, 2014

EU parasites sue UK over air pollution in particular nitrogen dioxide-BBC

2/20/14, "EU Commission launches legal action over UK air quality," BBC, McGrath

"The European Commission has launched legal proceedings against the UK for failing to deal with air pollution.

The EU says that levels of nitrogen dioxide, mainly from diesel engines, are "excessive" in many British cities.

The Commission says that this gas can lead to major respiratory illnesses and premature deaths.

Britain was supposed to meet EU limits by 2010, but the government admits that London won't achieve this standard until 2025.

The UK's problem with dirty air stems from the EU's air pollution directive, which came into force in 2008.

It set limits on the the levels of air-borne contaminants, including particulate matter and nitrogen oxides, gases that are produced from the burning of fossil fuels."....


Comment: UK taxpayers are as complacent as US taxpayers are about financing criminal mobs. Taxpayer cash is given to green groups, green lawyers, and eventually to the UK monarchy whose future and permanent income stream from offshore wind farm leases is highly dependent on the world believing in climate terror and UK energy customers paying triple the normal rates.



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