Monday, February 10, 2014

Economic powerhouse France and its new pal the US taxpayer via Obama and Boehner publish joint pledge to at long last make US taxpayers subservient to parasites and cronies via so-called climate agreement in Paris in 2015, to transfer much more US taxpayer money to millionaire and billionaire climate cronies who complain that only $1 billion a day is spent on global warming. No matter that excess CO2 only exists in China, and science says no warming for 17 years, it's never been about those things. US has only 1 functioning political party, GOP has merged with democrats, so US taxpayers are treated as any in 3rd world toilets



2/10/14, "Obama and Hollande call for climate change action," (Ireland)

"Regarding climate change, even as the United States and France "reduce our own carbon emissions, we can expand the clean energy partnerships that create jobs and move us toward low-carbon growth. We can do more to help developing countries shift to low-carbon energy as well, and deal with rising seas and more intense storms," they wrote." (end of article)


Congrats to the Bush crowd, Fox News and especially to John Boehner. No mention in the article that US taxpayers have for decades paid out millions a day for alleged climate endeavors:

2/10/14, "Hollande and Obama make joint call for climate accord," BBC

"French President Francois Hollande and US counterpart Barack Obama have issued a joint call for an "ambitious" global climate change agreement.

The call comes in an article published jointly in the Washington Post and Le Monde.

The presidents requested support for a deal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions "through concrete actions", at a climate conference in Paris in 2015.

Mr Hollande begins a state visit to the US on Monday.

"We can expand the clean energy partnerships that create jobs and move us toward low-carbon growth," the two leaders wrote in the article.

"We can do more to help developing countries shift to low-carbon energy as well, and deal with rising seas and more intense storms.""...


Comment: Large countries with only one functioning political party are dictatorships. The GOP created the US dictatorship by merging with the democrat party. Taxpayers in the US are now treated as they are in any third world toilet:

In November 2012, Obama took 'climate action' by giving $6 billion US taxpayer dollars to the Sultan of Brunei who owns 5000+ cars and to the Pres. of Indonesia, a country so corrupt even the World Bank says crime adds 20% to costs. Below, one of the Sultan's cars

7/24/12, "The Sultan's Cars," wheel to wheel blog.

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