Saturday, February 8, 2014

Author tells parents to teach kids of CO2 terror, include kids in efforts to tell politicians with access to taxpayer dollars that they should divert money to the global warming industry, have kids draw pictures to help persuade pols

2/5/14, "Parents: Talk Climate Change With Your Kids," Huffington Post,  Neale Godfrey

"Start Them Early: It's their earth they will inherit, help them to appreciate and respect it. Everyone has to do their part to help reduce their carbon emissions -- it is especially important to teach your kids. They hold the keys to saving the planet. We all have some type of mess in our lives. It doesn't matter if it is economical or ecological, it is up to to do our part to help clean it up....

Include a civics lesson. Teach your kids how democracy-in-action works. Together, with your kids, let policy makers know you are concerned about global warming. Research you representatives in local, state, and federal government -- and write to them with your concerns. Have the kids make appropriate drawings to include....

Last July I wrote a blog, Too Darn Hot, in which I wrote about record high temperatures, drought, and forest fires. The series of devastating events from Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy, unseasonably early blizzard made it, naturally, easier for us to point to global warming -- more easily understood as climate change."...Neale Godfrey, author and entrepreneur, via Climate Depot 


Adults lacking science and conscience use unformed minds of children as sales aids:

Dec. 2009, Blond children used to sell carbon dioxide terror in Copenhagen. Denmark became the center of billions in carbon dioxide trading fraud.



12/11/2009, "Out of the mouths of babes come a conniving adult’s words," Andrew Bolt

"The Copenhagen meeting opened with a video of terrified children begging adults to stop global warming. Green fanatic Clive Hamilton writes creepy letters to my children to make them scared, too. A crying 18-year-old confronts Canada’s chief negotiator at a Copenhagen briefing (?). The Age today publishes an op-ed allegedly written by a 17-year-old who says she is also “scared”, and wants “a climate agreement”. 

There is something profoundly immoral about terrifiying children for a political cause, and something profoundly anti-intellectual in demanding adults then heed the children’s cries to settle immensely complex questions of science and economics. 

This tactic alone suggests on which side of this debate reason lies."




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