Sunday, January 12, 2014

Maricopa County Republican Party votes to censure Senator John McCain for failing to uphold Republican values with which he campaigned, sadly notes McCain has been disastrous for Arizona and the entire country-KPHO

Maricopa County joins Apache and Mojave Counties in censuring McCain:

1/11/14, "Sen. John McCain censured by Maricopa GOP," Phoenix CBS 5,, Adam Longo

"The Maricopa County Republican Party has voted overwhelmingly to censure Arizona Sen. John McCain. Members of the group feel the senator has failed to stand behind the Republican Party's principals and crossed the aisle and voted with Democrats too many times. The vote was 1,150 for the censure and 351 against. Here is the resolution as drafted by precinct committeeman Tim Schwartz:

"As leaders in the Republican Party, we are obligated to fully support our party, platform and its candidates. Only in times of great crisis or betrayal is it necessary to publicly censure our leaders. Today we are faced with both. For too long we have waited, hoping Sen. McCain would return to our party's values on his own. That has not happened. So with sadness and humility we rise and declare: 

Whereas Sen. McCain has amassed a long and terrible record of drafting, co-sponsoring and voting for legislation best associated with liberal Democrats, such as amnesty, funding for Obamacare, the debt ceiling, assaults on the constitution and second amendment, and has continued to support liberal nominees; Whereas this record has been disastrous and harmful to Arizona and the United States; and,

Whereas Sen. McCain has campaigned as a conservative and made promises during his re-election campaigns, such as the needed and welcomed promise to secure our borders and finish the border fence, only to quickly flip-flop on those promises; and whereas McCain has abandoned our core values and has been eerily silent against liberals, yet publicly reprimands conservatives in his own party, therefore

Be it hereby resolved that the Maricopa County Republican leadership censures Sen. McCain for his continued disservice to our state and nation, and BE it further resolved that until he consistently champions our party's platform and values, we, the Republican leadership in Arizona will no longer support, campaign for or endorse John McCain as our U.S. senator."

Messages left for McCain's staff were not immediately returned." via Lucianne


"Maricopa County joins Apache County and Mohave County in voting to formally censure McCain via similar resolutions. There are 15 counties total in Arizona, which means that at this point, 20 percent of Arizona’s county GOP bodies have officially censured McCain—three years out from his potential reelection campaign for the U.S. Senate in 2016. McCain has not made a final decision yet on whether or not he will run for re-election." (end of article)

1/12/14, "Arizona's Maricopa County Republicans Censure John McCain for Abandoning Values," Breitbart, Matthew Boyle


12/15/14, Breaking The UniParty,” Angelo M.  Codevilla,

The Republican Party’s leaders have functioned as junior members of America’s single ruling party, the UniParty. Acting as the proverbial cockboat in the wake of the Democrats’ man-of-war, they have made Democratic priorities their own when the White House and the Congress were in the hands of Republicans as well as in those of Democrats, and when control has been mixed. The UniParty, the party of government, the party of Ins, continues to consist of the same people. The Outs are always the same people too: American conservatives. They don’t have a party. Whatever differences exist within the Uniparty, between Republican John Boehner and Democrat Nancy Pelosi, between Republican Mitch McConnell and Democrat Harry Reid, get worked out behind closed doors. Those differences are narrow.”…

2/20/13, "As Country Club Republicans Link Up With The Democratic Ruling Class, Millions Of Voters Are Orphaned," Angelo Codevilla, Forbes
"Increasingly the top people in government, corporations, and the media collude and demand submission as did the royal courts of old."...(subhead 'Public Safety') 

In 2007 Peggy Noonan wrote that George Bush destroyed the GOP, had total disdain for conservatives:
6/1/2007, Too Bad,” Peggy Noonan, Wall St. Journal, President Bush has torn the conservative coalition asunder.”

not only for one political party but for the American future.... 

But on immigration it has changed from “Too bad” to “You’re bad.” "... 
10/20/11, "The lost decade," Angelo M. Codevilla, Claremont Institute (2001-2011)
"Rule by Experts" (subhead, scroll down)

"Decision-making by "experts" rather than by people and procedures responsible to the American people has always been American progressives' prescription for American life. During the past decade, the pretense that America was at war has given this practice a major boost. For example, official and semi-official panels of experts from government, business, and the academy generated "studies" on the energy and health-care sectors of the economy. Based on these, the government promulgated regulations and presented Congress with demands that it approve massive legislation to "stop global warming"
and to "establish universal medical care." These government-business-academic experts, i.e. this ruling class, presented their plans as demands because, they shouted,

"the debate is over,"

and opponents are not qualified to oppose. Regardless of these demands' merits, such claims to authority are based strictly on the proponents' credentials. My point, however, is that these credentials are based largely on the government endowing these proponents with positions and money. As President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned in his farewell address, such expertise is a circular function of government power.
The event for which the decade is most likely to be remembered, namely the "great recession," was a similar phenomenon. When the financial bubble in mortgage-backed securities burst in 2008, the leaders of both parties, and pundits from the New York Times to the Wall Street Journal, assured Congress authoritatively that appropriating some $800 billion for the Treasury to buy up "toxic assets" would fix the problem. Three out of four Americans dissented, in part because of widespread recognition that the U.S. government's increase in expenditures from $1.86 trillion in 2001 to $2.9 trillion in 2008, due in part to the war, was unsustainable. Yet Congress bowed to "expert" opinion. But the markets tanked, the fix did not work, and the economic collapse gathered momentum. The subsequent Democratic administration increased spending even more radically, to $3.7 trillion, roughly doubling federal expenses in a decade, and pushed the national debt over $14 trillion—almost equal to America's GDP. By 2011, 40 cents out of every federal dollar spent had to be borrowed. .

As a prescription for salvation, the very same spectrum of experts that had certified the efficacy of bailing out big banks emphasized to Congress that the country needed to borrow more money and pay more taxes. Three fourths of Americans wanted neither to borrow more nor to pay more. The experts labeled them "irresponsible" and even "terrorists."

The markets tanked again, and the great recession got a second wind. The 2010 census reported that in 2009 the inflation-adjusted median family income was $49,445, down from $51,161 in 2001. Although the official unemployment rate at this writing is only 9.1%, a truer measure of America's condition is that only 45.4% of Americans of working age are employed full time—a true definition of depression.....

The CIA announced in 2010 that the president and his advisers had concluded that one Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S. citizen in Yemen, was so involved in terrorism that American forces would hunt him down and kill him. Of what capital crime was he accused? By whom? Who convicted and sentenced him? The experts
. On the basis of what evidence? Sorry, can't say. Classified. Wartime necessity, you know."...  


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