Sunday, January 26, 2014

"Law of the Land," Mr. Speaker? You say ObamaCare is 'Law of the Land' but so are our immigration laws-Rush Limbaugh

1/24/14, "The "Law of the Land," Mr. Speaker?" Rush Limbaugh transcript

"RUSH: Well, last night, John Boehner, the Speaker of the House, was on Jay Leno, The Tonight Show, and Leno said to him -- I want you to listen to this with me here, listen on the phone, Rick....

People's lives, just like Rick here just said, this is destroying people's lives. We want this program to go away because of the damage that it's causing. There's nobody out there celebrating because this is Obama's thing and it's going south. Anyway, you heard his question. He asks Boehner about this. Nobody's working together, too many people that want this to go south, and that's not good, John.... 

"Boehner said, "It's not that I'm rooting for it to be a failure. I never thought it would work in the first place. So far I'm right." But then Leno said, "Yeah, well, okay, but it's the law." And then their applause starts. And Boehner said, "Oh, I said that the day after the 2012 election, Obamacare, it's the law of the land. My God, you would have thought that I was a --" and then Leno said, "a traitor." And then Boehner, "You can't believe the noise I heard. But it is the law, and it's not working out real well."...

So it's law of the land. The noise, meaning from the Tea Party. Tea Party members of Congress is what he means, and voters. But this law of the land business, you know, only works one way....

(Scroll down, after Break Transcript):

RUSH: "Ladies and gentlemen, isn't our current immigration law the law of the land? Right. And our current immigration law, that is the law of the land, is not being enforced, correct? But it's the law of the land. So, what's wrong with it? I mean, we can't change it, right? And yet Boehner wants to change it....

You take a look at any national poll, immigration reform, amnesty, it's nowhere near the top when people are asked to name the most important issues they think are facing the country. No reason to do this. And yet the Republican leadership is as desirous and as action oriented, if not more so, than the Democrat majority is in pushing for amnesty. Yet it's the law of the land. But the House Republican leadership wants to go for it. Now, we know why. Chamber of Commerce and moneyed donors.

Donors to mainstream Republicans are saying they want amnesty, they need the new cheap labor, they can't keep going like this. They need it and they'll do anything they can to get it. If it takes amnesty, fine. They don't care about the cultural impact or the rest of it; they just need the labor. And these people depend on these donors for reelection, and so that explains it. Yet it's the law of the land.

Now, I would describe people pushing this against the will of the people as thugs."...

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