Wednesday, December 25, 2013

We think especially of Christians in 'Egypt, Iraq, and Syria...Christians are the most widely persecuted religious group in the world today,' UK Archbishop Nichols, BBC

Christians being driven out courtesy of the US taxpayer.

12/25/13, "Archbishop highlights plight of persecuted Christians," BBC

"The Archbishop of Canterbury will use his first Christmas Day sermon to highlight "injustices" facing Britain's poor and victims of world conflicts.

The Most Reverend Justin Welby, will also condemn the treatment of Christian communities in the Middle East.

"They are driven into exile from a region in which their presence has always been essential," he will say.

The Archbishop of Westminster has also talked about the plight of Christians who are persecuted for their faith. 

Archbishop Vincent Nichols, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, said many, especially in the Middle East, were risking their lives to worship.

Speaking at Christmas midnight Mass in Westminster Cathedral, Archbishop Nichols told the congregation to give "a special thought and prayer" to those Christians.

"Christians are the most widely persecuted religious group in the world today and this evening we think especially of the Middle East, especially of Egypt, Iraq and Syria," he said. 

Archbishop Welby, who was enthroned in March, will be speaking at morning service in Canterbury Cathedral.

He will say: "Christians are attacked and massacred and we see terrible news in South Sudan, where political ambitions have led towards ethnic conflict. On Saturday I was speaking to a bishop under siege, in a compound full of the dying."...

During his speech, Archbishop Nichols cited similar concerns voiced by the Prince of Wales this month during a visit to the Coptic and Syrian Orthodox communities in Hertfordshire and London.
"As Prince Charles said last week: 'Christianity was literally born in the Middle East and we must not forget our Middle Eastern brothers and sisters'," he said.

"We come to this Cathedral this evening freely and relatively easily, ready to give a simple act of witness to our faith," he said.

"But for many, going to church is an act of life-risking bravery. We thank them and seek to be inspired by their courageous faith.""


Comment: The US taxpayer has killed or driven out Christians from Iraq and Egypt. The US government favors radical Islamists in Syria which are getting rid of Christians there. US taxpayers are funding unrest, misery, and death throughout the Middle East and Africa.


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