Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Trapped Antarctic Global Warming research team is 'overwhelmingly white'

Stranded Antarctic crew 12/28/13, AFP


"Professor Chris Turney from the University of NSW is mounting the largest Australian science expeditions to the Antarctic with an 85-person team to try to answer questions about how climate change in the frozen continent might be already shifting weather patterns in Australia." Image above of trapped Antarctic crew via AFP, A. Peacock. (Please see end of this post for 'overwhelmingly white' reference).


Prof. Turney helped set up a company to profit from the idea of CO2 terror:

From ChrisTurney.com: "I am an Australian Research Council (ARC) Laureate Fellow and Professor of Climate Change at the University of University of New South Wales where my team and I are focussing our efforts on finding lessons from the past....To do something positive about [man-caused] climate change, I helped set up a carbon refining company called Carbonscape which has developed technology to fix carbon from the atmosphere and make a host of green bi-products, helping reduce greenhouse gas levels."


In 2012 almost a billion dollars a day was spent on the idea of man-caused global warming.  


Global Warming Prof. Turney, now trapped in East Antarctic ice, recently said East Antarctic ice is likely to melt and collapse from ocean warming: "The Spirit of Mawson, The Science Case:

"The Australasian sector is dominated by the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, the largest of three ice sheets that contains enough freshwater to raise the world’s sea level by some 52 metres. Until recently it was thought this ice sheet was stable, sitting on the continental crust above today’s sea level. However there is an increasing body of evidence, including by the AAE members, that have identified parts of the East Antarctic which are highly susceptible to melting and collapse from ocean warming."...


Nov. 2013 interview, Prof. Turney's upcoming Antarctic expedition is "to try and answer questions" about how human caused global warming might already be damaging Australia:
11/25/13, "$1.5 million Australian expedition to Antarctica," abc.net.au (Australian Broadcasting)

"Professor Chris Turney from the University of NSW is mounting the largest Australian science expeditions to the Antarctic with an 85-person team to try to answer questions about how climate change in the frozen continent might be already shifting weather patterns in Australia....

MARGOT O'NEILL, REPORTER: Here in hot, dusty Queensland, scientist Chris Turney is training for the icy desolation of Antarctica. He and his team must learn how to drive this all-terrain vehicle, because if sea ice collapses under them, this vehicle will float.

CHRIS TURNEY, CLIMATE CHANGE RESEARCH CENTRE, UNSW: So we've got to cross this sea ice of 60 kilometres to try to get into the windiest place in the world.

MARGOT O'NEILL: It'll be one of the largest Australian science expeditions to Antarctica, covering nearly 10,000 kilometres, with an 85-person team, including 60 scientists from marine biologists to meteorologists to ice core specialists....The research stakes are high. Antarctica is one of the great engines driving the world's oceans, winds and weather, especially in Australia. But there's ominous signs of climate change.

CHRIS TURNEY: The Southern Hemisphere westerly winds encircle Antarctica, and over the last 20 or 30 years or so, they've been pushing further south
. Now - so actually in a way it's almost like Antarctica's withdrawing itself from the rest of the world.
MARGOT O'NEILL: Initially linked with the ozone hole, which is now stabilising, this southward retreat of Antarctic winds continues, most probably because of increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The wind shift has already been linked with dramatically reduced rainfall in south-west Western Australia.

CHRIS TURNEY: So the result is that during the wintertime when we see this delivery of moisture into Australia - southern Australia, New Zealand, that's going to become less and less common. That's the implication of our observation.

MARGOT O'NEILL: Just what else it could mean for Australia is an urgent priority for the scientists. In one of the most extreme environments on the planet, they'll collect thousands of measurements and samples.

CHRIS TURNEY: There's so much out there that we just don't understand and you can only do so much of computer models, you can only do so much of satellites. You have to get on the ground....

CHRISTOPHER BULL, PHD STUDENT: One of the great appeals of an expedition like this is that we get to see some oceanographic science out in the real world. 'Cause our day-to-day jobs are using numerical models."...


12/26/13, "Who's on That Russian Ship Stuck on Antarctic Ice? And Why?" National Geographic, Tanya Basu

"2. Why are we recreating the trip Mawson took one hundred years ago?"

As may be expected, global warming might play a role in this, he suggests, particularly with respect to melted ice in the East Antarctic."...

"1. Who is Douglas Mawson?"

"Had the ship carrying the trio of explorers in 1912, the Aurora, gotten icebound the same way the M.V. Akademik Shokalskiy did (in 2013), there would have been no rescue option and certain death."...

Prof. Turney anticipated "major corporate sponsorship:"
From ChrisTurney.com: "The Australasian Antarctic Expedition 2013-2014"

"The expedition has been costed at US$1.5 million, which includes the charter of an ice-strengthened ship to access these remote locations. We will shortly be announcing major corporate sponsorship but the expedition is also looking for members of the public who wish to take part in a public-funded scientific expedition south. Berths on board are available for purchase."...
If you are interested in helping support the Australasian Antarctic Expedition 2013-2014, please feel free to contact us."...(near end of page)


12/31/13, "Chopper rescue for Russian ship MV Akademik Shokalskiy as Aurora Australis is forced to abandon rescue bid," news.com.au.


12/30/13, "Global Warming Expedition to Prove Antarctic Ice is Melting Trapped by Ice," Daniel Greenfield, FrontPage Mag


12/28/13, "MSM Glosses Over Irony of Global Warming Scientists Trapped in Antarctic Ice," NewsBusters, PJ Gladnick


UK Guardian Selfie shortly before being trapped in Antarctic ice and awaiting rescue by fossil fuel: Source: [http://twitter.com/GdnAntarctica/status/416881634273525761/photo/1]


12/30/13, "The Antarctic ‘research’ fiasco – ‘would you, could you, in a boat’?" Anthony Watts, WUWT

"Now, with such a fantastic failure in full world view, questions are going to start being asked. For example, with advanced tools at their disposal (that Mawson never had) such as near real-time satellite imaging of Antarctic sea ice, GPS navigation, on-board Internet, radar, and satellite communications, one wonders how these folks managed to get themselves stuck at all. Was it simple incompetence of ignoring the signs and data at their disposal combined with “full steam ahead” fever? Even the captain of the Aurora Australis had the good sense to turn back knowing he’d reached the limits of the ship on his rescue attempt....Yesterday, Andrew Revkin tweeted something that I agreed with, especially since so many of the people trapped in the ice on the ship seem to have a nonchalant, almost partly-like atmosphere going on.

"Andy Revkin         @Revkin

Scientist on trapped Antarctic ship: "Fantastic-I love it when the ice wins & we don't." http://bbc.in/Jtn1a9  What about rescue risk/cost? 4:16 PM - 29 Dec 2013"


The evil US taxpayer is always a last resort:

12/30/13, "Antarctic rescue mission fails to reach trapped ship," UK Guardian, Alok Jha

"Another option for rescue lays with the huge American icebreaker, the Polar Star, which is currently en route to the Ross Sea from Seattle. It had been due to travel via Sydney but it has now been ordered to sail directly to its final destination. If it was called upon to assist in the rescue effort, it could get to the sea ice edge near the Shokalskiy in eight or nine days.

There is no fixed timeline for the next steps, said Turney, while the captains of the Shokalskiy, Aurora Australis and the Xue Long waited for good weather. The forecast for the next few days, however, looks like there will be more of the same: snow, wind and heavy cloud.

AAE glaciologists on board the Shokalskiy, meanwhile, have been examining satellite images of the ice build-up over the past week to try and understand why the Shokalskiy got stuck.

"It's remarkable just how much change there's been," said Turney. "The ice that's packed around us is many years old, some is more than 10 years old."

The multi-year sea ice surrounding the Shokalskiy is much thicker and stronger than the new, first-year sea ice because it has had years of snowfall on top and freezing underneath.

According to the satellite maps, this ice was on the east side of the Mertz glacier until this past week, stuck fast to the land. Possibly because of a storm, or some other weather factor, this "fast ice" broke off and was blown into the area in which the Shokalskiy was sailing. Multi-year ice is a lot more difficult to cut through than single-year ice, which was the sort of material the Shokalskiy came through on its way into Antarctica....

The fast ice was partly in the area because of the huge iceberg, B09B. This broke away from the Antarctic continent in 2010, collided with and snapped off the extended part of the Mertz glacier, and then grounded itself in the entrance to Commonwealth Bay. Since then, the sea ice that would normally have formed and blown out to sea has instead been blocked by B09B and frozen into place. Given the recent reorganisation of the ice around the Mertz glacier, glaciologists aboard the Shokalskiy think the ship might have become inadvertently caught in the formation of a new area of fast ice, which could stay in place for several years.

When it got stuck last week, the Shokalskiy was just over two weeks into its month-long journey, from Bluff in New Zealand to Commonwealth Bay in East Antarctica."...

Antarctic group leader Prof. Chris Turney is a Man-Caused Global Warming Professor and profiteer in the $1 billion a day CO2 terror industry.


Re: 'Overwhelmingly white:'

8/29/10, "The New Journolist Password: 'Overwhelmingly White'," Chicago Daily Observer, Bowman

Liberal media and Journolist types miraculously all came to the conclusion that a large, peaceful gathering of right of center and Tea Party supporters at a Glenn Beck rally in 2010 was "overwhelmingly white," apparently proving the group was racist. Perhaps they're blinded by their own "overwhelming whiteness." Politico says the Glenn Beck group "insists they're not racist." Examples:

"appealed Saturday to a vast, predominantly white crowd on the National Mall"...AP, 8/28/10
  • "The crowd, however, was overwhelmingly white. "...Cleveland.com, Washington bureau, 8/28/10
  • "A relatively dense and overwhelmingly white crowd stretched from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial out past the Washington Monument." 8/28/10, Salon.com
"Meanwhile, many in the predominantly white crowd bent over backward
  • to insist that they are not racists"...Politico, Hohmann, 8/28/10

"And where does he (Chris Matthews)  go for a break?

To his summer house on 87.85 percent white Nantucket...whiter than the GOP!"


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