Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Senate Democrats didn't need to end filibuster since Republicans do whatever Democrats want anyway, keep funding O'Care. Mitch McConnell can end 2013 with a bang or a bust as he seeks re-election-Daniel Horowitz

12/9/13, "GOP Must Shut Down Senate," Daniel Horowitz, Madison Project

"Several weeks after Harry Reid changed hundreds of years’ of Senate rules by abolishing the filibuster for all judicial and executive appointments, Republicans have all but forgotten about it.  

They could have threatened to block every piece of legislation until the rules are restored, but instead they are fully cooperating with a budget bill to fund Obamacare and increase spending, along with a farm bill to grow government intervention in the agriculture sector. They might even help Democrats pass a bill that can be used as a vehicle for more gun restrictions.

Needless to say, without any fear of reprisal, Democrats plan to jam through a number of Obama nominees before the end of the year on a party-line vote....

So what should Republicans do?

They could start by suspending all negotiations on end-of-year legislation, such as the budget deal, farm bill, and extension of Medicare doc fix.  But more importantly, as we’ve noted before, in order for the Senate to function members must agree to unanimous consent on a variety of procedures. 

Without a unanimous consent agreement, no standing committee can conduct business after two hours from the time the Senate convenes. With only two weeks left of this session, Republicans can completely shut down the Senate by denying these UC agreements.

Even after the nuclear option, 45 Senators have the ability to wreak havoc on the majority.  Just one senator has the ability to slow down the Senate.  It’s all up to Mitch McConnell.  He can end the year with a bang or a bust."

Cross-posted at RedState.com


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