Sunday, December 1, 2013

Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) is free to agree with Soviet style Democrat policies as long as he files paperwork and changes his party affiliation to Democrat

Kingston has been in the House since 1992. Perhaps that's why he's so out of touch with the country.

11/26/13, "Jack Kingston has Surrendered on Obamacare," Daniel Horowitz, The Madison Project

"Democrats are stewing in the misery of Obamacare’s disastrous side effects. We have a solid point of leverage coming in January to fight Obamacare in the budget. As we’ve explained, we have stronger leverage this time around than we did in October. However, that leverage is only predicated upon a united Republican Party committed to getting rid of Obamacare. Sadly, the recent comments by Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) suggesting that we should help fix the law serve as a vivid illustration of why we failed the battle to defund the law:

A lot of conservatives say, ‘Nah, let’s just step back and let this thing fall to pieces on its own.’ But I don’t think that’s always the responsible thing to do,” he added.

“I think we need to be looking for things that improve healthcare overall for all of us. And if there is something in ObamaCare, we need to know about it.”

Kingston was speaking prior to a field hearing in Gainesville, Ga., of the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight focused on ObamaCare.

While he had some criticism for the law — he said he believes the demand on Medicaid could overcrowd the system — he also expressed hope that Democrats would bring to the hearing some good feedback they’ve received on ObamaCare.” [The Hill]

Good feedback?  According to the latest polling on Obamacare, Americans disapprove of the law 65-32%.  Nothing in the country ever polls worse than that.  Almost as many people believe in UFOs.

Sure, we should go on offense with healthcare policy and explain how anti-market interventions are hurting the uninsured.  We should make insurance portable by allowing a national market and by eliminating the government-created disadvantage for those who buy insurance on the private market.

We should expand tax-free health savings accounts.  We should have less mandates like community rating and guaranteed issue, not more. But we should never acquiesce to a permanent structure of government-run healthcare.

Coming to terms with Obamacare is nothing new for Kingston.  At the beginning of the year, he said “I don’t want to go in there saying, ‘By golly, there’s a new sheriff in town.’” “Obamacare has been the law of the land, and it is getting implemented. We have to work in that context.”

The scary thing is that Kingston is the chairman of the Appropriations Subcommittee on healthcare. 

What is ever scarier is that he wants to be the next U.S. Senator from Georgia. We all know that the Senate has a way of turning those who are conservatives into statists. See Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) for a vivid example. If Kingston is starting out his campaign with a mindset of surrender on Obamacare, it is clear he will never move this seat one inch to the right from Senator Saxby Chambliss.  And that is an extremely low bar to cross.

Cross-posted at"


Comment: It's fine if GOP Rep. Kingston agrees with Democrat policies to transform America. He just needs to immediately file paperwork changing his party affiliation to Democrat. The US cannot survive without two equally healthy political parties that represent opposing views. Rep. Kingston is standing in the way of that happening.


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