Saturday, December 14, 2013

Commenters see Republicans as big a problem as Democrats and eligible for recall. Colorado State Sen. Morse said upon his recall: "The highest rank in a democracy is citizen, not senate president."

12/13/13, "What Will It Take?" David Solway, PJ Media. "Americans still seem willing to give a pass to the disaster in the White House"

Among comments to this article at Lucianne, Republicans cleared a path for Obama:

"Reply 67 - Posted by: busterman, 12/14/2013 11:59:10 AM    

I am saddened to see posters on here stating:

"When will Republicans...." do such and such.


"If only the RNC had...." this or that.

Folks, wake up. It´s us against them. The Republicans are just as bad as the Democrats, with a very few exceptions.

Stop calling for Republicans to do something. They won´t. Now its up to us. The moment we´ve all been dreading is upon us. It is time to recall every single politician in office. Force your state legislature to begin the recall process. We OWN this right. All we have to do is exercise it. There´s no need to wait until an ele
ction. They work for us! Let´s remind them of that fact.


"Reply 72 - Posted by: MDConservative, 12/14/2013 12:40:45 PM   

Americans began giving away their freedoms for real before Obama arrived. From FDR to LBJ to Nixon/Ford and the Bush [#1] "New World Order" to the Bush43 "Patriot Act" and bail outs. Obamacare and all that is nothing more than an extention - one about which most Americans remain in denial. We spawned a soft police state after 9/11...made first responders and the military unconditional "heroes" while they militarized local police forces and turned cold war spy agencies (including military assets) further toward domestic spying, to which Americans readily agreed. Americans largely believe "government" is the font of everything, the fair dealer, creator of universal prosperity, maker of jobs and source of a peaceful, cooperative society. Obama is just an extension of a long line of Democrats and Republicans peddling snake oil as they open borders, fail to enforce our laws, print money, and insinuate big government into virtually every corner of American private life - and tell us all its okay. Well, it´s not."


""The highest rank in a democracy is citizen, not senate president," he (Morse) said at the conclusion of his concession speech."...
9/10/13, "State Senators John Morse and Angela Giron recalled in historic elections," The Denver, 7News, Colorado Springs, Phil Tenser

"In the first recalls of state lawmakers in Colorado history, State Senate President John Morse and Senator Angela Giron were both removed from office Tuesday by voters upset with their stance on gun control.

Unofficial final results updated by the El Paso County Clerk at 10:02 p.m. showed 50.96 percent of voters in District 11 wanted Morse to be recalled.

"The highest rank in a democracy is citizen, not senate president," he said at the conclusion of his concession speech, in which he promised to continue his work.

Giron, who was winning in the first preliminary data, has also lost. Unofficial results show 56 percent of voters in District 3 in favor of recalling her. As of 10:30 p.m., 34,556 votes had been counted.

Giron spoke to a crowd in her headquarters about 15 minutes after those results were posted. "I'm a little perplexed, but this is what I know: I know that I have not one iota of regret from what I voted on," she said.

The two Democratic representatives faced these recall elections because of their support  for gun control during the last legislative session. They both voted in favor of 15-round limits on ammunition magazines and for expanded background checks on private gun sales after the 2012 mass shootings in Aurora and Newtown, Conn. The legislation passed Colorado's Democrat-led Legislature this year without any Republican support and was signed into law by Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper.

The push to recall the two senators began early in the summer, with opponents gathering signatures on petitions to force the recall. The senators tried to challenge the wording of the petitions in court, but lost.

"I do worry that now that a recall has been successful, it will become a political tactic for both sides," Morse told reporters after his concession speech. "I think that is a horrible way to govern," he added.

Morse served State Senate District 11, which includes most of central Colorado Springs. He was first elected to the state senate in 2006. He previously worked as a police officer in Colorado Springs, and the Chief of Police in Fountain.

The Republican candidate elected to replace Morse is former Colorado Springs City Councilman Bernie Herpin.

Giron served Senate District 3, which covers most of the City of Pueblo and Pueblo West. She was elected to state senate for the first time in 2010, after spending three decades working with the Boys and Girls Club.

Former Pueblo deputy chief of police George Rivera, a Republican, will replace her.

Both sides campaigned vigorously in the days leading up to the election. Our partners at The Denver Post reported last week that the National Rifle Association spent $361,703 in the recall efforts of Morse and Giron. One week earlier the newspaper reported that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg donated $350,000 to a special issue committee backing the two imperiled senators.

El Paso County said about 21 percent of the eligible electorate cast ballots. Almost 36 percent voted in Pueblo County."


Added: The Republican Party works to get Democrats elected in many places including Colorado. 2 citations about Colorado below from 2013 and 2011 each with commenter-provided specific:


Example #1


"How did the GOP Ruling Class come to cut such pathetic figures?" Richard Fernandez on Codevilla:

2/22/13, "I am the Eggman, they are the Eggmen," Richard Fernandez, Belmont Club, PJ Media

"Angelo de Codevilla amplified his landmark essay on America’s new ruling class by explaining why the Republican Party could do nothing to stop its ascendance. In a new article Codevilla explained that much of the Republican party has become wannabee Democrat and therefore supine. They want the Democrat spoils also without bothering themselves with the distasteful mental contortions of the Democrat ideology."...

"I have seen the [GOP] Institutionals in Colorado actively work to elect Democrats when the Conservative/TEA Party/Patriot Movement managed to follow the rules and duly nominate one of their own. We have two Democrat US Senators, and a Democrat Governor based on that; and they have tried to rig the game to remove a multiple term Conservative Congressman who sits on a key committee for the state and replace him with a candidate who literally said that he looked forward to reaching across the aisle and working with the [then] Democrat majority."...

Example #2


12/28/11, "The Colorado Model; The Left’s Stratagem For Turning Red States to Blue," LaborUnionReport,

"Conceived by four rich liberals, the Colorado Model is a fairly simple strategy....As opposed to disarray on the Right, the Left is largely unified in their vision, their messaging, and their tactics. As such, the Colorado Model is a prime example of the Left putting their ideas into action and, in so doing, turning America from a country of individuals into a country of collectivists. Again, from 2008."...

Following comment to above article details how GOP helped democrats win in Colorado in 2011. The conservative beat their candidate in the primary so of course they sabotaged the conservative. (The comment may no longer appear on the RedState site):

1. "The Blueprint: How Democrats Won Colorado (and why every Republican should care) circlegranch Wednesday, December 28th (2011) at 3:15PM EST (link) written by Adam Schrager, is an excellent compliment to this post.

HOWEVER, in that states such as CO are allowing the progressive, Marxist movement to gain a stronghold because the GOP leadership so often allows it. At the risk of repeating myself in a post written yesterday, Colorado did not send Republican Ken Buck to the U.S. Senate in 2010 because the elitist, ruling class of the national and Colorado Republican Party prevented it. They preferred seeing Obama’s hand-picked man, Michael Bennet, who went to Washington on ONE vote (that of Gov. Bill Ritter, who had the authority to appoint him after the senatorial absence created when Ken Salazar resigned to become Secy of the Interior). 

Ken Buck was the hands-down people’s choice–the grassroots candidate, the tea party favorite and the elites in the GOP were ticked off beyond the pale. THEIR (GOP) hand-picked candidate, Jane Norton, was soundly defeated in the primary by Buck. To retaliate, the GOP, including national leaders such as John Coryn and John McCain, refused to acknowledge the legitimacy of Buck’s campaign and they idly stood by and allowed Bennet to keep his job. It wasn’t just the elite in the GOP–Buck got very little press time and never got air time with Hannity, Rush or Levine. He was ignored and there was an unspoken resignation that Colorado was simply lost; better luck next time. A state’s attorney, Buck would have been a true asset to the U.S. Senate; a man of great character and personal integrity and the father of a West Point cadet.

Whether we talk about the “Colorado Model” or study the well-written “Blueprint..” noted above, it comes down to the grassroots being able to first defeat the insider Beltway Republican Establishment,

The problem is clear: there is little daylight between the ruling class of the GOP/career politicians in DC and the Left. Far too little daylight. Nothing will change and the advancement of European-style socialism will march on in this country until enough conservatives see that the path the RNC and country club GOP’ers are taking us down is the road to defeat, after miserable defeat.

We would be wise to study Colorado and yet, its back to basics if we truly want to defeat liberalism. It’s really not that complicated."


Colorado model in Florida:

Added: Colorado Democrat Model working in Florida:

"tomtflorida, 5 months ago  

"I've watched this roll-out for the past couple of years and have written a lot about it. Folks don't realize it yet, but progressives are in the latter stages of implementing the "Colorado Model" here in Florida and the state has more or less already been flipped. The 2014 gubernatorial election will prove me to be right on this.

I believe the strategy has advanced since Colorado with a litany of non-profit groups adding to a strong coalition that is the essence of the Democratic grassroots movement. The very effort that left the GOP flatfooted in 2012. Groups such as 'OUR Walmart' and 'Jobs for Justice' that are front groups for Big Labor are now a huge part of this effort to reshape the face of politics in this country, with the union bankroll behind it.

AFL-CIO's Richard Trumka made his name by building coalitions and alliances with nonprofit advocacy groups to strengthen union causes and he made it clear recently that unions will "adapt" to falling rolls "by making the benefits of representation available to all workers." The fast food workers protest we saw this week in New York City was not spontaneous, folks."


10/8/13, "Colorado recall bid targets third state senator who backed gun control,", Amanda Paulson

"After ousting two state senators last month for backing gun-control legislation, activists aim to recall Sen. Evie Hudak. If the recall bid succeeds, Republicans take control of the Senate."


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