Sunday, November 10, 2013

Muslim terrorists in Africa slaughter elephants and rhinos to fund war against the West, poison water holes to kill elephants, 38,000 may be killed this year for their tusks

11/9/13, "British troops drafted in to save elephants from Al Shabaab terrorists," UK Express

"ELITE British soldiers are being drafted in to help frontline forces fighting Al Shabaab terrorists who are slaughtering elephants and rhinos to fund their war on the West."

"Troops from 3rd Battalion, Parachute Regiment will support Kenyan wildlife rangers trying to stop the trade in “black ivory”.

The Al Qaeda-linked group is funding its terrorist activities selling so-called “blood ivory” and rhino horn on the black market. Every month it is thought to earn the Somali terror group £400,000.

The profits allow them to pay jihadist fighters £75 a week to carry out atrocities such as the one which left 67 dead in the Westgate shopping centre attack in Nairobi....

Rhino poaching alone has increased by 3,000 per cent in recent years, with one of these gentle animals now being killed every 11 hours. A rhino horn is worth more than its weight in cocaine to terror groups or crime syndicates.

The price of “blood ivory” has seen poaching gangs resort to increasingly desperate tactics, such as poisoning watering holes, to kill elephants.

In the coming weeks, 25 British troops will give Kenya’s rangers expert training. It is greatly needed, at least 60 Kenyan rangers have been killed in the line of duty. Mr Paterson said: “Illegal poaching is having a devastating effect on some of the world’s most iconic species."...via Lucianne

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