Saturday, November 2, 2013

'Furious' lobbyists lean on GOP 'leaders,' panicked GOP 'business side' goes on massive intimidation binge to silence all opposition. Having sold out the country and taken no actions that distinguish themselves from democrats they have no other choice

"Mr. McConnell’s allies in Washington’s lobbying community have been furious for weeks." (What's the big deal with lobbyists and the GOP? They can make more money with democrats).
11/1/13, "Republican Campaign Committee Pushes Back Against Conservative Group," NY Times Caucus blog, By Jonathan Martin (1:51pm)

"In a warning shot to outside conservative groups, the National Republican Senatorial Committee this week informed a prominent Republican advertising firm that it would not receive any contracts with the campaign committee because of its work with a group that targets incumbent Senate Republicans.

Even more striking, a senior official at the committee called individual Republican Senate campaigns and other party organizations this week and urged them not to hire the firm, Jamestown Associates, in an effort to punish them for working for the Senate Conservatives Fund, a group founded by Jim DeMint, then a South Carolina senator, that is trying to unseat Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, and some other incumbents up for re-election next year whom it finds insufficiently conservative. 

“We’re not going to do business with people who profit off of attacking Republicans,” said Brad Dayspring, a spokesman for the committee. “Purity for profit is a disease that threatens the Republican Party.”

The committee has conveyed the same message, privately, to 2014 Senate candidates, 

the Republican National Committee, 

the National Republican Congressional Committee (the senatorial committee’s House counterpart), 

the Republican Governors Association and 

Mike DuHaime, the chief strategist for Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, for whom Jamestown also does work.

Jamestown declined to respond to the attempt to curtail their business, deferring to the Senate Conservatives Fund, which criticized Mr. McConnell.

This is happening because Mitch McConnell is having a complete meltdown, said Matt Hoskins, executive director of the conservative group. “He can’t defend his record so he’s threatening and attacking everyone who disagrees with him. He’s so rattled, he has decided to declare war on the entire conservative movement, which represents the very people he needs to win re-election. This isn’t the behavior of a confident person. It’s the irrational reaction of a power-hungry bully who isn’t getting his way.”

Some of Jamestown’s conservative clients also moved to defend the firm.

“When some in Washington stepped away from our campaign, Jamestown stood with us and fought,” said Representative Mark Sanford, Republican of South Carolina. “I think their team is a good one and what a few in D.C. decide isn’t going to change that.”

The National Republican Senatorial Committee’s power play is part of a larger effort among establishment Republicans after the recent government shutdown to seize control of the party from insurgent forces who want to push Republicans toward a more hard-line posture and aggressive brand of conservatism.* The attempt to effectively blacklist the consulting firm illustrates the extent of the tensions between the establishment and the hard-liners.

Mr. McConnell’s allies in Washington’s lobbying community have been furious for weeks that Jamestown, which also does work for groups like the Republican Jewish Coalition, was on retainer with the Senate Conservatives Fund.

One prominent Republican lobbyist even printed out the records of a Louisville television station detailing the run times of every ad devised by Jamestown for the conservative group’s campaign against Mr. McConnell and gave it to a reporter.

“These are not the kind of people we would ever do business with,” said Scott Reed, senior political strategist for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

In the wake of the shutdown, Mr. McConnell and his top aides are also becoming more outspoken about wanting to effectively destroy the Senate Conservatives Fund. The senator has told donors that he and other party leaders will take a much more aggressive approach in confronting such conservative groups.

And on Friday, one of Mr. McConnell’s closest aides offered a vivid metaphor about the leader’s determination.

“S.C.F. has been wandering around the country destroying the Republican Party like a drunk who tears up every bar they walk into,” said Josh Holmes, Mr. McConnell’s chief of staff, now detailed to the National Republican Senatorial Committee through the election. “The difference this cycle is that they strolled into Mitch McConnell’s bar and he doesn’t throw you out, he locks the door.”"

Comment: This isn't about "conservatism," a word that has lost any meaning due to rampant misuse. It's about the theft of this country and that the GOP has merged with democrats. A one-party country means half the country is without representation in the Beltway. "Threatens the Republican Party?" What Republican Party? The Republican Party has been dead since before the 2006 midterms. The few remaining GOP after Nov. 2008 were happy just to be there and be left alone. In January 2009 McConnell himself said the GOP was becoming mainly a Southeast regional party. It's sick that someone who's been in office since 1984 (McConnell), who sat by and watched this country be destroyed and delivered to the radical left hasn't resigned in disgrace. Mitch McConnell was at the center of influence, information, and microphones for 8 years during George Bush. I could've told you people with no job couldn't pay a mortgage. McConnell allowed, did nothing to stop, and/or declined to alert millions of Americans about the upcoming destruction of lifetimes of work and sacrifice. He did nothing to stop the destruction of the Republican Party. Under his 'leadership' the country has been turned over to the radical left. He has never once apologized to us for his part in destroying the lives of so many Americans. He has never described what the GOP did wrong to cause this and what it's doing to make sure it will never happen again. McConnell is free to be a successful businessman, but he's very sick to believe he can combine his business interests with my life after proving over many, many years that I mean nothing to him. What exactly is the big deal about lobbyists and the GOP? Lobbyists can make all the money they want via democrats.


As if he had nothing to do with it, longtime GOP 'leader' McConnell describes in grisly detail for all the world to hear the pathetic failure of the GOP on his watch:  

1/29/2009, "McConnell: GOP Becoming ‘Regional Party’," ABC News, Teddy Davis

"The Kentucky Republican underscored his argument that the GOP is becoming a regional party with a couple of geographic examples."...


3/1/12, "Senate GOP Leader Does Not Want to Anger Harry Reid With Obamacare Vote," Erick Erickson,

"Why the hell do we even need a Democratic Party when Senator McConnell does their bidding for them?"


GOP is "women's auxiliary" of Democrat Party:

12/6/12, "Goodbye GOP," Tea Party Tribune, by Mr. Curmudgeon

"I can’t support a party that has become nothing more than the women’s auxiliary of the Democratic Party."


In 5/8/12 primary, Establishment GOP urged democrats to vote against Tea Party Republican:

4/28/12, "The Ultimate Treachery," Daniel Horowitz,

"I’m at a loss for words; I’m really not sure what to think of this. 

What word would you use to describe someone from party A (Republican) asking members of party B (Democrat) to vote down a member of party A (Republican) for supporting a fundamental view of party A?"...


Republican Party shows "nauseating deference" to Democrats and the media:

3/27/13, "Is the Republican Party America's Achilles Heel?" American Thinker, Steve McCann

"When they look to the leadership of the Republican Party they see a nauseating deference to the party in power and the media -- in other words business as usual in Washington.  Apparently the Republican Establishment believes it will eventually win when it is their turn if they just can find a way to bribe minorities, particularly Hispanics into voting for them....

It has become painfully obvious over the past twenty years that the Republican Party leadership knows neither who the enemy is nor do they have a firm and unalterable conviction in what the Republican Party stands for....

The Republican Party stood idly by and allowed themselves to be defined as the party of intolerance and inequity. The combined 12 years of George H.W. and George W. Bush, and their obsession with civility as well their refusal to forcefully respond to the most egregious of personal attacks combined with the Party's incoherent set of principles, validated and cemented in the public's mind the accusations hurled at the Republican Party by the Democrats and their sycophants in the media.

Yet the strategy of the left can be countered by an equally simple and effective tactic.  Use the same fairness and equality battering ram against them while forcefully and coherently responding to all their personal attacks as well as their omnipresent falsehoods and hypocrisy.  However this requires a commitment by the Republican establishment that it is the party of conservatism and a sobering recognition of the dangers the nation faces combined with an unwavering resolve to soundly and permanently defeat their political opponents.

The possibilities for the Republicans to go on a coordinated offensive using the fairness and equality cudgel, in language the low-information voter will understand, are endless....

The founders of this nation created a unique governmental structure in order to limit the supremacy of government.  However, with that structure there is an Achilles' heel.   For the government to function, because of the single member district structure, there can only be two major political parties vying for the votes of the people. When there is one party hell bent and succeeding in transforming the country and oppressing the people and the other party unwilling to forcefully challenge that effort, the future of the nation, as founded, is in serious jeopardy.  

Instead of writing more "white papers" the Republican Party hierarchy needs to abdicate and turn over the reins to those willing to fight for the future of the American people before it is too late."


GOP House Speaker Boehner can raise a lot of money for preferred incumbents:

12/6/12, Boehner gains strong backing from House Republicans,” NY Times, Steinhauer

"Then there is the not-small matter of fund-raising:

Mr. Boehner, who on Wednesday spoke briefly by phone with Mr. Obama about the budget standoff, raised nearly $100 million for Republican House candidates this election cycle, including incumbents, further securing good will."... 

Establishment Republican 'leadership' donated to Adam Kinzinger's campaign in 2012 against a Tea Party supported candidate and Kinzinger won. 4/10/12, "Why GOP Young Guns program is deceptive"
Why GOP Young Guns program is deceptive


Speaking of the GOP in 2007, Peggy Noonan foreshadowed the demise of the US two party system and its implications:

What President Bush is doing, and has been doing for some time, is sundering a great political coalition. This is sad, and it holds implications not only for one political party but for the American future.”…

Lobbyists don't need to win elections. We the people need to win elections. But we allowed ourselves to be played for suckers by the GOP:

3/14/13, "Caddell Unloads on 'Racketeering' GOP Consultants," Breitbart News, Leahy

"The Republican Party," Caddell continued, "is in the grips of what I call the CLEC--the consultant, lobbyist, and establishment complex." Caddell described CLEC as a self serving interconnected network of individuals and organizations interested in preserving their own power far more than they're interested in winning elections."...


10/30/13, "US Chamber of Commerce lost 10+ crucial US Senate races in 2012 by partnering with the GOP establishment. It plans to double down with these same losers in 2014 which is a great tragedy for America’s small and medium sized businesses"


Regarding the much spundefault, George Soros says it can’t happen in the US:

““A sovereign that can print the money can’t default, will never default.”“…

4/24/12, “Soros: ‘A sovereign that can print the money can’t default, will never default.’,”, Bill Wilson


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