Friday, November 29, 2013

'Illegal Mayors Against Guns,' numerous members of Bloomberg Mayors anti-gun group arrested on various charges including a handgun offsense as Bloomberg heads to sunset

11/29/13, "Illegal mayors against guns," NY Post Editorial

"They call themselves Mayors Against Illegal Guns. But apparently not all of them are against all illegal activity. MAIG was co-founded in 2006 by Michael Bloomberg and his counterpart in Boston, Thomas Menino.

But come January, the two men will be out of office. When they depart, attention will likely focus on some of their less well-known members — and that could be a problem.

The latest of the legally challenged is Mayor Gordon Jenkins of Monticello, NY. Last week, he was arrested for driving under the influence and for literally punching a police department clock, which forced cops to handcuff him to a chair.

He’s not alone. Over in Spring Valley, Mayor Noramie Jasmin was arrested for accepting bribes from an FBI informant in April. In Marcus Hook, Pa., Mayor James Schiliro was arrested for reckless endangerment after firing a handgun inside his home during a drunken argument.

Down in Gainesville, Fla., Mayor Craig Lowe was charged with a DUI after being found asleep at the scene of a car accident. Meanwhile, other MAIG members from Hartford to Detroit have found themselves facing prosecutors over charges that include  

felony corruption, 
assault and 
attempted sex crimes with a child.

Clearly MAIG needs tougher screening — or a more accurate name."


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