Friday, November 22, 2013

From everything we see the Democrats just want it more-Rush Limbaugh

11/22/13, "The Democrats Just Want It More," Rush Limbaugh transcript

"RUSH: Bend, Oregon. This is Andy. Welcome. Great to have you on the program.  Hi.

CALLER: ...What I wanted to say, Rush, is that we need to stop spending our political capital during political campaigns and start using that money and those funds now.  Do a campaign except use humor...If we can't educate 'em, we can't win 'em.

RUSH:  Well, yeah, I know. They're raising money left and right all year round, and they're not spending it I know exactly what you mean.  There is no accompanying, year-long campaign issue by issue or in generic form, even attack ads or if you want to run ads that are supportive of your side.  You're right. The Republican Party reserves all of its spending for actual campaign times. The Democrats do this kind of operation year round....

I don't know....To me, the outward appearance is that the Democrats just want it more. They just seem to want it more....There is no ongoing effort to inform people about who the Democrats are. There never has been. They've yet to tell the story of who Obama is. They're afraid to. Look, we've been through this....

I'm telling you, the thing that handcuffs them is they think they can't win anyway because of the media--...

They don't think they can prevail, 'cause they don't have the media. They think that probably the lowest profile (meaning smallest) target they can make of themselves is probably the best way to go. Again, I'm just guessing. But I do know many of you think it's hopeless, and nothing is ever gonna change, and we're not gonna seriously win anything with the media the way it is. I don't happen to subscribe to that, but I know a lot of people do. 

That, to me, is a recipe for just quitting

If you've got some force out there you think you can't be beat, then why even engage?"


Comment: The GOP just laughs at hopeful people like Andy from Bend, Oregon.


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