Friday, November 1, 2013

Chamber of Commerce takes aim at Tea Party in Alabama district #1 race, mighty Beltway Establishment proudly organizes against the Tea Party-Erick Erickson

10/31/13, "In Alabama, the Chamber of Commerce Fires Shots Against the Tea Party," Erick Erickson, RedState
"I have not really paid attention to the race between Bradley Byrne and Dean Young in Alabama’s first congressional district. But it suddenly flew onto my radar yesterday with news that the Chamber of Commerce is using it as its first base of operations to repel the tea party. 

The only polling I’ve seen has Young slightly ahead but I am not sure about the quality of polling and my gut tells me that Byrne, an experienced politician, is ahead. He’s got the money and name ID to be ahead.

In any event, the Chamber of Commerce is spending $185,000.00 at the end to help Bradley Byrne

They want credit for repudiating the Tea Party even in Alabama. The NBC poll that just came out shows 30% of Americans would vote for a third party over 28% for the GOP. A lot of that angst is conservatives ready to bolt. 

Before they bolt, they’re going to fight it out in primaries. It looks like, whether tea party activists want to or not, this race in Alabama is where they’ll meet their first organized resistance by the establishment.

The election is Tuesday." via Mark Levin


The US Chamber of Commerce lost 10+ crucial US Senate races in 2012 by partnering with the GOP establishment. It plans to double down with these same losers in 2014 which is a great tragedy for America’s small and medium sized businesses 


To the Chamber of Commerce: In 2012 you lost 10+ crucial US Senate races (listed below) in tandem with the same GOP establishment who brought you terrible results in 2006 and 2008. They even insisted ObamaCare’s architect, Mitt Romney, lead your ticket in 2012:

In the past two election cycles, he (Rove) and his acolytes have personally helped Barack Obama get elected and yet made millions in the process. You tell me who the dummy is—Rove or the people who keep listening to him and funding him?”…11/16/12
After his defeat, Romney’s son Tagg said his father had no desire to be president and never wanted to run in the first place (parag. 15). This may explain why Romney refused to loan any of his highly publicized millions to his 2012 campaign when it desperately needed it.

Like a battered wife, the Chamber plans to double down in 2014 with the same GOP establishment so adored by democrats. You spend precious resources on behalf of small and medium sized businesses across America who otherwise have no voice. Haven’t you failed them long enough?
Ten+ 2012 US Senate races backed and lost by the Chamber of Commerce and the GOP establishment:"...


Comment: The Chamber of Commerce is the only voice for small and medium sized businesses in the US. Big business already has many voices. Since the Chamber has apparently abandoned the voiceless, it really should change its name to the Chamber of Crony Big Business Commerce.


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