Tuesday, October 15, 2013

When are those promised CSPAN ObamaCare negotiations going to start? Pathetic Clubhouse GOP loser Peter King sat by and watched the US get handed to the radical left so he certainly wouldn't know

10/13/13, "Hey, can we finally have those Obamacare negotiations on C-Span?" Legal Insurrection, William A. Jacobson

"Contrary to Obama’s claim that the debate about Obamacare is over, it never actually took place."

"So where we are right now is that Democrats are feeling overly confident.  The smash mouth rhetoric hasn’t stopped, while the punching bag Republicans just take it.

Put aside whether reaching the debt ceiling really would be catastrophic (Obama was hip on hitting it back in the day).  Now Harry Reid wants not only a long-term extension, but at increased spending levels.

All those negotiations are going on behind closed doors That’s not to Republican’s advantage, because the White House and Democratic spin machines far surpass anything Republicans can muster.  So Republicans look like the bad guys.

The House should pass a short term extension at current spending levels (doesn’t matter if 6, 8, 10 weeks) and call it a day.  If Harry Reid and Obama don’t want that, so be it.  Same on Obama’s refusal to “re-open” most of the government, for which there already are bills on Harry Reid’s desk.

Then, during this negotiation period,  all negotiations should be on C-Span, just like someone else originally demanded:

Politifact Obama promise CSpan

Contrary to Obama’s claim that the debate about Obamacare is over, it never actually took place."


10/14/13, "Rep. Peter King: 'We Have to Start Going After Ted Cruz by Name'," CNSNews.com, Susan Jones

"If Congress passes legislation deferring a decision on the debt ceiling and stopgap government funding, Republicans should anticipate another crisis in six to eight weeks, Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said on Monday.

"We have to anticipate Ted Cruz is going to try to do this again. Ted Cruz and 30 or 40 people in the House. And we have to start going after him by name. I've been doing it all along. I wish I had more company on it.""...


Rep. Peter King: 'We Have to Start Going After Ted Cruz by Name' - See more at: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/susan-jones/rep-peter-king-we-have-start-going-after-ted-cruz-name#sthash.qscOIciU.dpuf.

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