Sunday, October 13, 2013

To the World Bank which presumes to meddle in US affairs: Mind your own business. We didn't elect you. The 'crisis' you speak of has already happened, ie the subprime crisis. You did nothing to stop it. You haven't complained over 5 yrs. of Obama's reckless spending that made things much worse. Butt out.

10/13/13, "US borrowing crisis 'days away from danger', says World Bank head," BBC

"The president of the World Bank, Jim Yong Kim, has warned that the United States is just "days away from a very dangerous moment" because of the government's borrowing crisis.

He urged US policymakers to reach a deal to raise the government's debt ceiling before Thursday's deadline.

The US Treasury will start to run short of funds if no agreement is reached for it to borrow on financial markets.

Mr Kim warned this could be a "disastrous event" for the world.

"The closer we get to the deadline the greater the impact will be for the developing world.

"Inaction could result in interest rates rising, confidence falling and growth slowing," said Mr Kim, speaking at the World Bank's annual meeting in Washington.

"If this comes to pass it could be a disastrous event for the developing world and that will in turn greatly hurt the developed economies as well," he added."


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