Saturday, October 12, 2013

After meeting at White House Ted Cruz says it's good Obama asked Senators to talk, but the president continued to state he won't negotiate-Dallas Morning News

10/11/3, "Ted Cruz at the White House: Obama bites his tongue," Dallas Morning News, Todd J. Gillman

"update at 3:30pm ET: Details have emerged".

"Cruz got up and gave the president his views for a minute or so. The president seemed to bite his tongue, according to one participant. Back at the Capitol, Cruz reiterated for reporters his ongoing opposition to Obamacare.

The first step is for the president to come to the table. We began talking – that was good – today,” he said. “But he continued to maintain that he will not negotiate or compromise on anything and if that is the position that is not going to lead to a resolution.”

Cruz said that any resolution that doesn’t “provide substantial relief to the millions of people who are hurting because of Obamacare” would not suffice, in his view. Other GOP lawmakers have backed away from Obamacare-related demands, though tweaks to the law may be part of a final deal.

update at 1:15pm ET: Republican senators left the White House in the rain, more than 90 minutes after the meeting started. It was pouring rain and they left without talking with reporters. Cruz got in the same bus as McCain.
WASHINGTON — Not for the first time nor, if his ambitions come to pass, for the last, Sen. Ted Cruz entered the White House moments ago.

Senate Republicans are meeting with President Barack Obama to talk about the budget showdown, the government shutdown, and the Oct. 17 debt ceiling cap. Cruz has met the president before, and he’s been at the White House before, aides say. But the eyes of the White House press corps are on the junior senator from Texas, who is widely blamed/credited for instigating the shutdown by pressing so hard with demands to defund the president’s signature achievement, the Affordable Care Act.

The meeting is closed to journalists. We can only hope the official White House photographers capture the interaction between the president and his Texas nemesis.

At the Values Voter Summit earlier today, Cruz got hoots and hollers when he mentioned his next stop.

So after leaving here, I’m going to be going to the White House,he said. “I will make a request:  If I’m never seen again, please send a search and rescue team. I very much hope tomorrow morning I don’t wake up amidst the Syrian rebels.”" image above, Sen. Ted Cruz enters the White House via the North Portico, walks behind Ga. Sen. Isakson, 10/11/13, NY Times, Mills. via Free Republic


Ted Cruz at Values Voter Summit earlier in the day, 10/11/13, via Free Republic


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