10/13/13, "Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are Running the GOP -- and They are Winning," RushLimbaugh.com
"How can the Republicans not see what the Democrat agenda is? How do
they continually fall for the notion that whatever the Democrats are
talking about is what they really want? "We want to raise the debt
limit." It's not about the debt limit!
When are the Republicans going to understand, and I'm dead serious
about this, when are they going to understand that the objective here is
to wipe them out. When are they going to understand that the pure, the
only purpose of all of this is to effectively eliminate the Republican
Party as anything viable, nothing more than a placeholder is all it's
going to be if Obama and the Democrats get their way. There was never
any desire to negotiate, never any desire to share ideas, never any
desire to reach a compromise or come to some sort of agreement....
But since the Cruz/Lee faction got going, I have
been making the point -- trying to anyway -- that the Republicans are
winning, that at least the Cruz and Lee faction is winning.
Last week, it was I think Thursday or Friday, I remember doing a
monologue on how the Republicans' so-called conservative commentariat in
Washington, inside the Beltway is out blaming Cruz and blaming Lee and
blaming me, blaming the new media and blaming the Tea Party for this
I made the point if it hadn't been for Cruz or Lee, we wouldn't be
here. We wouldn't have the opportunity that we have. And Obama is
stumbling. Obama is not prevailing. His approval number, take your pick,
41/37%. Then that Wall Street Journal/NBC poll hit on Friday and these
Republicans started peeing their pants. And I wish I could have grabbed
them by the shoulders, said, "Would you ignore that? That poll was
designed for the exact reaction that you are portraying here." Well, it
turns out, folks, that I, El Rushbo and others are not the only ones who
see the past couple, three weeks, or month this way.
I've got a piece by Christopher Bedford here in the Daily Caller, and
the headline of this piece: "How Cruz, Lee and Paul Shut Down Obama's
Agenda." So it is possible in some parts of the media to get the truth
of this. Here's a pull quote: "As one by one, impossible victories were
won, observers saw the policy agenda of the president ... stagnate and
stall: He hasn't won a single victory since his re-election. It's almost
surreal. Sequester is tentatively in place," but believe me that's the
new baby that the Democrats are trying to get rid of now. That's the
latest thing they've demanded that the Republicans get rid of. Pretty
soon they're going to be demanding a tax increase, which E.J. Dionne,
Jr. does today in the Washington Post in his column.
They're going to throw it all in if they sense that the Republicans
are getting close to caving. But the fact of the matter is sequester is
in place, amnesty has been derailed. Say what you want, but the
attention being focused on amnesty is -- well, it's not the attention
being focused. Look at what happened. Obama opens up the National Mall
for an amnesty rally, closed to veterans. I'm telling you the American
people see this. The American people see what's happening, and they do
not side with the Democrats on this outside the Beltway. They do not....
It turns
out here that Ted Cruz and Mike Lee have taken the helm of the GOP and
that's why everybody in Washington's fit to be tied, including
Republicans. The Tea Party is despised, even by Republicans. The Tea
Party is hated, even by Republicans. It's hated by remnants of the Bush
administration and all those people. It's hated by the Democrats. The
Tea Party is despised by the Republican establishment of the consultancy
group because they can't be controlled. Because there's not, or wasn't,
at their forming anyway, a single leader.
Now here's how this story begins: "After Republicans drifted for
years without a pilot, Sens. Ted Cruz and Mike Lee have taken the helm
of the GOP, steering their party and its grassroots into a much-needed,
head-on battle with the Democrats." Amen. The Democrats have been able
to just run roughshod over everybody and anything in their way. Nobody
has had the guts to oppose Obama, particularly in the Republican Party.
"The American people had, but they haven't had any leadership until
these two guys sprang up. They've commandeered a couple of people to
join them, elected Republicans. But prior to that there was this abject
fear of going after Obama. Race was a big factor, and also the polls in
the media. Let's face it: Republicans are scared to death and they're
rendered neutered by them. These guys don't care.
"They are fighting the establishment of a socialist government that
Obama and the Democrats are attempting to establish. God bless 'em. "On
the campaign trail on the way to his win in November 2012, President
Barack Obama promised to finish the work he'd gone to Washington to do:
'fundamentally transforming the United States,'" which is what he
promised to do five days before he was inaugurated in 2009....
"The tea party was over and Washington, DC, was Obama's oyster," and
it was smooth sailing. Nobody was going to stop him. "But then a strange
thing happened. As one by one, impossible victories were won, observers
saw the policy agenda of the president ... stagnate and stall: He
hasn't won a single victory since his re-election. It's almost surreal,"
and I know this sounds like...
You ought to see the faces on the other side of the glass looking at
me. They can't believe it. It's not their perception, and probably not
yours. You think the Republicans are getting their clocks cleaned
because you are judging the Republicans to be led by Boehner and
McConnell, and on that basis you think they're getting their clocks
cleaned. And maybe they are, but Cruz and Mike Lee aren't.
"Things look tough for the right in Washington today, but the reality
is these three conservative Republicans, aided by friends in the Senate
and the House, have dragged the president's ambitious agenda to a
complete halt, throwing both him and Democrat Sen. Harry Reid on their
heels and adding policy paralysis to the president's long list of
post-election woes.
It's Cruz and Mike Lee, and the people that have decided to throw in
with them, who are running things now. That's why everybody's so ticked
off, folks! We were supposed to have amnesty by now. I'm sure you know
that. It was supposed to be done. There wasn't going to be any
Republican opposition to it. There was going to be massive new ground
gained by the Democrats on gun control.
We were going to move forward on climate change with tax increases, a
carbon tax or whatever because of Hurricane Sandy and the devastation
in the Northeast, and take your pick. There was no stopping Obama's
agenda. He won big; Republicans were slinking away. Obamacare, there it
was, was going to be implemented. The Republicans, it turns out, had
simply been uttering words during the campaign when they said that their
objective was to defeat it, defund it, keep it from being implemented.
When the time came, they didn't oppose it. But a couple people did.
And because of that, Obamacare is still not fully implemented, fully
funded. It isn't a done deal. Contrary to what people think, Obama is
really not having the cakewalk that everybody thought he was going to
have. There are giant obstacles in his way, and there ought to be
rallies of massive support for the people accomplishing this. People in
their own party ought to be, but they're not.
The long knives are out for Cruz and Lee and anybody who decides to
join them. Mr. Bedford here at the Daily Caller says, "Senior
Republicans are taking their cues from a couple of freshman
conservatives. After years of void, Republicans have leadership in DC,"
and they do, and the Tea Party is as strong as it's ever been, and it's
as active as it's ever been, and this is just not the conventional
wisdom. This is not what was supposed to happen.
So the Washington establishment, the power structure, the elites in
the media and in the two parties have gathered together every day to
present a narrative or template that it's the Tea Party that's hanging
by a thread, about to be embarrassed and debunked and gone and taken
down and not to exist ever anymore. They're embarrassing everybody. But
the fact of the matter is, for now and at this moment, the Obama agenda
has had the brakes applied to it because there are people fighting back.
Folks, I'm going to tell you: We could have won this, and we may still be able to.
If the Senate Republicans had not caved, as they did last week, we
could have held on, and we may still be able to. It's a dicey call. But
the long knives are still out for everybody who was opposed to the
establishment way of doing things in Washington. Really, you throw all
this together -- the food stamp problem in and the IFM babe claiming the
end of the world this week because of the shutdown and the debt limit,
now Obama demanding to be rid of the sequester -- and the pressure is
enormous on people fighting back on this, and they're still hanging
tough." images from RushLimbaugh.com
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