Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fake Republican commentators who are actually Democrats paid to keep the pathetic GOP establishment in power are invited to White House by Obama for 'off the record' chat on how to further stab the country in the back. Prostitutes on call: Krauthammer, Paul Gigot, Byron York, Robert Costa

10/8/13, "Establishment Conservative Journalists Meet Off-the-Record with Obama at White House," Breitbart, Ben Shapiro

"In a clear attempt to woo largely establishment conservative commentators who have loudly opposed the GOP’s current government shutdown strategy,"...

[Ed. note: "Ben, it's the Obama Regime who shutdown the government," per Free Republic commenter]

(continuing): "President Obama held an off-the-record meeting with the Washington Post’s Charles Krauthammer, the Wall Street Journal editorial page editor Paul Gigot, National Review’s Washington editor Robert Costa, syndicated columnist and former CNN co-host Kathleen Parker, and Byron York of the Washington Examiner.

This is hardly the first time Obama has held select, politically-motivated off-the-record sessions. In May, the White House held a “deep background” session with select reporters as the Benghazi scandal reared its head. In September, Obama held an off-the-record meeting with reporters and columnists on his Syria strategy. Obama’s cozy relationship with select members of the press has created abiding unhappiness among many members of the press corps, who feel that the president has created a stratified system with favored and unfavored journalists." via Free Republic


Comment: The ruling class power and might is focused on one objective: permanently silencing we the people. 

The GOP has decided the only sure way to silence the
hated middle class is to eliminate it. So in partnership with democrats, that's what they're doing.

"Freedom of Speech," 1943, Norman Rockwell

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