Thursday, October 3, 2013

Pathetic wimp Obama takes aim at World War II veterans in wheelchairs and on scooter, and loses. (Lovesick media likely thrilled Obama showed 90 year old wheelchair bound heroes who's boss)

10/1/13, "WWII Vets storm Barry-cades," Legal Insurrection, Mandy Nagy
10/2/13, "Democrats Pay Union Members to Protest World War II Vets," Powerline, Hinderaker

10/2/13, "Charge of the Scooter and Wheelchair Brigades," Legal Insurrection, William a. Jacobson

"WWII Vets turn tide of battle, again.

Oct. 1, 2013

Have you noticed? Everything has changed since the Obama administration Barry-caded the World War II Memorial and tried to keep out a group of visiting WWII Veterans, and then the Democrats in the House killed funding for the Veterans Administration.

When Obama and Democrats declared political war on Veterans, it was a bridge too far.

Democratic hubris and Harry Reid’s fisticuff-style of politics were no match for elderly WWII Vets seeking to pay homage to their fallen comrades in what for many of them would be a once-in-a-lifetime trip to the WWII Memorial.

Everything changed overnight.  Even the biased mainstream media is being forced to cover the protests today.

Oct. 2, 2013

Harry Reid has blinked in the face of the Scooter and Wheelchair Brigades, pathetically tweeting out blame for the Republicans even though the barricades were on order of OMB and funding for National Parks was killed by Democrats in the House.

The tide of battle has changed.

Thank a Vet today."

Oct. 2, 2013


Comment: You bet. Thanks, Dad! My father, now age 91, surviving WWII US Air Force veteran, flew bombers in the Pacific. (Wasn't at the Memorial this week, was defending the homeland in NJ.)

12/7/11, "That Infamous Date," "It was 70 years ago this morning that, as President Roosevelt put it the following day, “The United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.” Then, four days later, Adolf Hitler declared war on America."...

Left,  World War II US Air Force pilot and his Stearman biplane; below same soldier in his Air Force Uniform sometime in the 1940's, surviving. At the end of the war in the Pacific, Dad rescued some American soldiers the Japanese had captured. He said the soldiers were in pretty bad shape.

  • Born in Brooklyn in 1922.

  • Christmas Eve, 2010. 

Here he is on Mother's Day, 2012. Thanks, Dad.

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