Wednesday, October 16, 2013

New GOP logo becomes one with Obama logo. 'Again and again, the American people are forced to confront the fact that its ruling class is not on its side,' Codevilla

"Again and again, the American people are forced to confront the fact that its ruling class is not on its side." (Codevilla, 10/20/11 subhead, Public Safety)
10/16/13, "The Republican Party Embraces Irrelevance," Rush Limbaugh


"To: 2ndDivisionVet
"The Republicans have been hoodwinked."
BS. Limbaugh is once again providing cover for the One Party Kleptocracy. The Republicans haven't been hoodwinked. The only people that have been hoodwinked are those that think that the Republicans, less the Tea Party, are not in total agreement and lockstep with their fellow Democrat crooks. Its all political theater designed to keep people from forming an effective opposition to the Establishment.

14 posted on Wednesday, October 16, 2013 6:43:18 PM by Count of Monte Fisto (The foundation of modern society is the denial of reality.)"

10/16/13, ""The Republican Party Embraces Irrelevance," Rush Limbaugh

"I was trying to think earlier today, if ever in my life I could remember any major political party being so irrelevant....I have never seen a major political party simply occupy placeholders, as the Republican Party is doing. There hasn't been any opposition, not any serious opposition...of opposition expressed daily by party leaders against what's happening in this country, there hasn't been."...


Comment: I liked the logo Rush had on his website. On the other hand, as the commenter above points out, Rush always gives cover to the Beltway machine. He articulates views of those of us who seek to save this country, but his first loyalty is to those who've destroyed this country, destroyed the GOP, handed us to the radical left, and continue doing it every day on Fox News. People like Karl Rove. Rush has certainly championed Ted Cruz and Mike Lee and continues to do so. But unless Rush wants to help us get rid of Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, nothing will change. He could do it but he won't. One reason he doesn't do it is they'd get his show taken off the air and he knows it. So it's all 'theater' as the commenter said. Image above from


2/20/13, "As Country Club Republicans Link Up With The Democratic Ruling Class, Millions Of Voters Are Orphaned," Angelo Codevilla, Forbes

"Increasingly the top people in government, corporations, and the media collude and demand submission as did the royal courts of old."...



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