Thursday, October 10, 2013

It was reasonable to expect the GOP to squander the legislative power we gave them in Nov. 2010 by recalling how they melted after their 1994 win-Paul Jacobson, Sept. 2010

9/18/2010, "Rules for Republicans," American Thinker, by Paul Jacobson

"The midterm election of November 2010 almost certainly promises substantial victories for the Republican Party as more and more Americans wise up to the lies and deceptions, the political bullying and disregard for the voting public being perpetrated by the radical left Democrats now in power. The question is not whether Republicans will make major gains, but how large they will they be. Will only the House be snatched from Democrat despotism, or will the Senate fall to a Republican majority as well?

Less certain -- maybe much less certain -- is whether Republicans will be up to the task once the reins of legislative power are returned to them. It's easy to harbor a nagging, queasy fear that they could very well blow it. One need only remember the slow but inexorable deterioration of congressional Republicans' courage and devotion
to constitutional principles and limited government following the 1994 election, the squishy naïveté of "compassionate conservatism" and the "new tone in Washington," the patrician aura of niceness and collegiality über alles worn on the gold-linked cuff by elitist, ruling-class Republicans when confronted with browbeating from radical left Democrats."...

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