Thursday, October 31, 2013

'If the GOP won't, we will get it done for Ken Cuccinelli for Governor of Virginia,' Lloyd Marcus.

10/30/13, "If the GOP Won’t, We Will Get It Done for Cuccinelli," Lloyd Marcus,

"Hello! GOP! Anybody home? In case you guys in DC do not know, there’s a gubernatorial race happening in Virginia in a week. While our guy Conservative Republican Ken Cuccinelli is amazingly holding his own, in terms of campaign spending, the Democrats are kicking our butts.

Meanwhile, We the People, grassroots across America are passionately engaged and have made the race tightly competitive. Remarkably, polls show the Virginia race down to 1%. Turnout will be the deciding factor.

For those of you unaware, I am Chairman of Conservative Campaign Committee. Showing my age, do you remember the TV show, “Have Gun Will Travel” starring Richard Boone as Paladin? Think of me as a Paladin armed with the Constitution, traveling the country delivering political justice.

We get involved in key races which have national repercussions. Our goal is to restore America back to the vision of our founding fathers; individual liberty and freedom. Our game plan is quite simple, elect as many Conservatives as possible.

Battered, scared and outspent in the (NJ Steve) Lonegan race,"...

[Ed. note: "Lonegan won a higher percentage of the vote for U.S. Senate than any Republican in the Garden State has gotten in a dozen years.” Without a dime from the Republican Party. Imagine what this country could be like if both US political parties weren't democrat.] 

(continuing): "we have licked our wounds and dived head first into helping conservative Republican Ken Cuccinelli defeat the hardcore liberal Democrat candidate for the governorship of Virginia.
Here is what our independent expenditure campaign is doing in support of Cuccinelli. We are heavy on newscasts but also have bought NBC’s Sunday Night Football, the World Series, FOX & CBS NFL Football, College Football, and the Sunday national political news shows (Face the Nation, Meet the Press, This Week, and Fox News Sunday). As you can imagine, these media buys are expensive. Such is the political arena in which we are forced to fight.

With the Virginia gubernatorial election only a week away, Democrats are staying true to their play book. Our Liar and Chief will campaign with the Democrat candidate this weekend and New York Mayor Bloomberg has funded a nearly $2 million ad blitz smearing our conservative candidate, Cuccinelli.

FYI folks, Ken Cuccinelli was the first Attorney General in the country to sue the federal government over Obamacare. A firm believer in individual freedom and limited government, Cuccinelli thinks Obamacare violates both principles. Do you see why we need this guy to win folks?

I am extremely excited and proud of the the work our team at Conservative Campaign Committee is doing. Preparing for the home stretch, our Ms Lulu is fired up as well as her call-from-home volunteers. Please check out the latest TV ads we have produced supporting Cuccinelli.

With little help from the GOP, it is up to us, We The People."


Richmond Times-Dispatch Editorial on 'latest embarrassment' of Terry McAuliffe:

10/31/13,Today’s top opinion: Sleazy money,” Richmond Times-Dispatch Editorial

Terry McAuliffe’s campaign worked swiftly to limit the fallout from his latest embarrassment. Joseph Caramadre now rots in prison for stealing identities from terminally ill patients to further an investment annuity scheme — a scheme in which McAuliffe invested several years ago."...


Comment: The GOP hoped New Jersey would go to the democrats on Oct. 16, now they're hoping Virginia goes to the democrats. The GOP didn't give a dime to its candidate for US Senate from New Jersey, Steve Lonegan in his recent contest against Cory Booker. Now they've given little or nothing to "their" candidate for Governor of Virginia, Ken Cuccinelli who faces untold millions pouring in from billionaire democrat special interests. Translation: The GOP needs to file paperwork officially switching its party affiliation to democrat. P.S. The Bush family gets credit for destruction of the two party system, the merger of the GOP with democrats:


In 2007 Peggy Noonan wrote about George Bush #1 and #2 casually destroying the GOP:

6/2/2007, Too bad,” Wall St. Journal column by Peggy Noonan

“One of the things I have come to think the past few years is that the Bushes, father and son, though different in many ways, are great wasters of political inheritance. 

They throw it away as if they’d earned it and could do with it what they liked. Bush senior inherited a vibrant country and a party at peace with itself. He won the leadership of a party that had finally, at great cost, by 1980, fought itself through to unity and come together on shared principles. Mr. Bush won in 1988 by saying he would govern as Reagan had. Yet he did not understand he’d been elected to Reagan’s third term. He thought he’d been elected because they liked him. And so he raised taxes, sundered a hard-won coalition, and found himself shocked to lose the presidency, and for eight long and consequential years. He had many virtues, but he wasted his inheritance.

Bush the younger came forward, presented himself as a conservative, garnered all the frustrated hopes of his party, turned them into victory, and not nine months later was handed a historical trauma that left his country rallied around him, lifting him, and his party bonded to him. He was disciplined and often daring, but in time he sundered the party that rallied to him, and broke his coalition into pieces. He threw away his inheritance. I do not understand such squandering.

Now conservatives and Republicans are going to have to win back their party. They are going to have to break from those who have already broken from them. This will require courage, serious thinking and an ability to do what psychologists used to call letting go. This will be painful, but it’s time. It’s more than time.”


10/17/13, Dem ‘Referendum’ on Tea Party Fizzles: Booker Margin in N.J. Barely Half of Obama’s in 2012,” John Fund, NRO
Democrats did everything they could to portray yesterday’s special election for a Senate seat in New Jersey as a referendum on Republicans and the Tea Party. They clearly fell short of their expectations as Democrat Cory Booker underperformed his showing in almost all the polls, and wound up winning by only 10.3 points. By contrast, President Obama won New Jersey by 18 points just last November. At the same time, Democratic senator Robert Menendez cruised to a 19-point victory over a veteran moderate Republican state senator.
In a video released on Monday, President Obama had urged people to vote for Democrat Cory Booker “to send a message to the entire country about what kind of leadership we expect from our representatives in Congress, that we’re better than the shutdown politics we’ve seen in Washington.” Booker himself endlessly referred to Republican Steve Lonegan’s time as head of the state’s chapter of Americans for Prosperity, a tea-party-aligned group.

But Booker’s strategy didn’t seem to work and may even have energized Lonegan’s base. Booker had a 35-point lead only six weeks ago. A Rutgers-Eagleton poll released just last Monday still showed him with at 58 percent to 36 percent lead. Quinnipiac’s poll released on Tuesday had Booker with a 14-point lead. Only the Monmouth University poll that came out on Monday properly pegged Booker with a ten-point lead.

Lonegan lost, but his principled campaign showed the strength of conservative activists in a state that hasn’t voted Republican for president in a quarter-century. Since the campaign culminated with the government shutdown in Washington, it can’t be said that voters rose up to protest Republicans as Obama and Booker urged. In defeat, Lonegan won a higher percentage of the vote for U.S. Senate than any Republican in the Garden State has gotten in a dozen years.” via Mark Levin show

Comment: Mark Levin has said at least twice on his radio show that the Republican Party didn’t gave a dime to Steve Lonegan’s campaign. Thank heaven. Now the so-called GOP can take no credit for Steve’s great showing. Apparently they were embarrassed enough that an RNC official came to a rally one day before the election. 


Winners don't need losers:

Lonegan’s campaign suggested the best path would be opposite of any suggested by major RNC losers like Karl Rove and Ari Fleisher:
8/15/13, National Democrats Cast New Jersey Senate Candidate As Symbol Of GOP Rebranding Struggles,, Ruby Cramer
Steve Lonegan, the Republican senate nominee barely known outside the state, is about to get a lot of attention — but not from his own party. “No one in New Jersey cares what the RNC thinks anyway,” the Lonegan camp says.”
“Karl Rove and Ari Fleischer? The ones responsible for losing everything? We’re supposed to listen to them?” asked (Lonegan strategist) Shaftan. “We should do the opposite of everything they suggest.”

“No one in New Jersey cares what the RNC thinks anyway, Shaftan said.”…


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