Friday, October 25, 2013

Greenland votes to allow rare earths mining-Reuters

10/24/13, "Greenland votes to allow uranium, rare earths mining," Reuters, Nuuk

"Greenland's parliament voted on Thursday to end a decades-long prohibition on mining for radioactive materials like uranium, further opening up the country to investors from Australia to China eager to tap its vast mineral resources.

The move will not only allow the mining of uranium deposits, but also of rare earths, minerals used in 21st century products from wind turbines to hybrid cars and smart phones and that are currently mostly extracted by China.

With sea ice thawing and new Arctic shipping routes opening,"...

[Ed. note: Reuters provides no substantiation for these two claims nor for the implication that one caused the other. Nor do they state that world CO2 is controlled by a single country, China.]

(continuing): "the former Cold War ally of the West has emerged from isolation and gained geopolitical attention from the likes of Beijing and Brussels thanks to its untapped mineral wealth.

"We cannot live with unemployment and cost of living increases while our economy is at a standstill. It is therefore necessary that we eliminate zero tolerance towards uranium now," Greenland Prime Minister Aleqa Hammond was quoted as saying by local newspaper Sermitsiaq during the debate.

Hammond's government won the heated debate by 15-14 votes.

The possibility of uranium mining has been criticised by environmental groups. Earlier, a group of non-governmental organisations warned uranium mining in Greenland could threaten the Arctic region's pristine ecological system.

While Greenland is self governing, former colonial ruler Denmark still has a say in security and defence issues and the uranium decision may need to be approved by the Danish parliament - possibly putting the two nations on a diplomatic collision course.

Greenland's "zero tolerance" policy on mining radioactive materials is inherited from Denmark, but the island is keen to develop mining to help pay for welfare and jobs in this country with a population of around 57,000 people, mostly Inuits.

Since Greenland won self-government in 2009, most politicians have aimed for growing autonomy and eventual independence.

The more revenues from mining or oil, the more Greenland weans itself off Denmark's annual grant that accounts for more than half the island's budget.

One rare earth deposit being explored by Australian-owned Greenland Minerals and Energy could be one of the largest outside China, which accounts for more than 90 percent of global production.

But still, mining production could be a long way off.

"I think the Danish government is prepared for the no-tolerance to be lifted" said Cindy Vestergaard, senior researcher at Danish Institute for International Studies.

"After that the Greenlanders and the Danes are going to start hammering all the legal aspects. We will not be mining on Friday, nor next year, or 2015."

Separately, iron ore producer London Mining said on Thursday it had received the go-ahead from the Greenland government for a 15 million tonne a year mine in the country, paving the way to attract partners for the project.

The Isua project which will cost an estimated $2.3 billion (1.4 billion pounds) has been controversial in Greenland as fears its construction would attract a flood of Chinese workers into the country."


Everyone knows China is the only country that can lower global CO2 significantly. Move past that fact because it means the CO2 industry is bankrupt. Falsely blaming the US is the only way to keep the industry and the call for a 'global treaty' alive. US CO2 emissions have plunged steadily over the past two decades, especially since 2006, and experts don't expect them to rise in the foreseeable future. China's CO2 emissions conversely are expected to rise even further. Not that it matters. The notion that CO2 increases global temperatures has been proven completely false in a 30 year peer reviewed study. Global temperatures have remained flat for 15 years while CO2 has increased. (This data is separate from the 30 yr. study). This wasn't predicted by anyone in the multi-trillion dollar global warming industry. Billions of dollars were transferred from taxpayers to CO2 terror profiteers based on opposite predictions.


1/18/13, UK Met Office says no warming since 1998:

1/18/13, Climate change: scientists puzzle over halt in global warming,” Der Spiegel, by Axel Bojanowski (translation from German). Chart by UK Met Office, via Der Spiegel


Der Spiegel (chart, UK Met Office)  



 6/4/12, Climate change stunner: USA leads world in CO2 cuts since 2006,” Vancouver Observer, Saxifrage



“Not only that, but as my top chart shows, US CO2 emissions are falling even faster than what President Obama pledged in the global Copenhagen Accord.”…Here is the biggest shocker of all: the average American’s CO2 emissions are down to levels not seen since 1964  --over half a century ago. …Coal is the number two source of CO2 for Americans. Today the average American burns an amount similar to what they did in 1955, and even less than they did in the 1940s. …It is exactly America’s historical role of biggest and dirtiest that makes their sharp decline in CO2 pollution so noteworthy and potentially game changing at the global level.”...


"Bentek says that (US) power companies plan to retire 175 coal-fired plants over the next five years [by 2017]. That could bring coal's CO2 emissions down to 1980 levels."...

8/16/12, “AP IMPACT: CO2 emissions in US drop to 20-year low,” AP,
Kevin Begos

In a surprising turnaround, the amount of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere in the U.S. has fallen dramatically to its lowest level in 20 years and government officials say the biggest reason is that cheap and plentiful natural gas has led many power plant operators to switch from dirtier-burning coal.

Many of the world's leading climate scientists didn't see the drop coming in large part because it happened as a result of market forces rather than direct government action against carbon dioxide....

In a little-noticed technical report, the U.S. Energy Information Agency, a part of the Energy Department, said this month that energy related U.S. CO2 emissions for the first four months of this year fell to about 1992 levels."...

CO2 US v China, 2005 to 2011, energy related, US EIA (US Energy Dept.), WSJ, April 2013

4/18/13, "Rise in U.S. Gas Production Fuels Unexpected Plunge in Emissions," WSJ, Russell Gold

"U.S. carbon-dioxide emissions have fallen dramatically in recent years, in large part because the country is making more electricity with natural gas instead of coal.

Energy-related emissions of carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas that is widely believed to contribute to global warming, have fallen 12% between 2005 and 2012 and are at their lowest level since 1994, according to a recent estimate by the Energy Information Administration, the statistical arm of the U.S. Energy Department."...


6/10/13, 2012 US CO2 continues to drop. Chart from IEA report, China continues to rise. (Above chart is thru 2011) :



11/29/12, 134 scientists write to UN Sec. Gen. Ban Ki-Moon, asking him to desist from blaming climate disasters on global warming that hasn't happened:
"Global warming that has not occurred cannot have caused the extreme weather of the past few years."...“The NOAA “State of the Climate in 2008report asserted that 15 years or more without any statistically-significant warming would indicate a discrepancy between observation and prediction. Sixteen years without warming have therefore now proven that the models are wrong by their creators’ own criterion.”…(2nd parag. fr. end of letter).  …"Policy actions that aim to reduce CO2 emissions are unlikely to influence future climate. Policies need to focus on preparation for, and adaptation to, all dangerous climatic events, however caused."...Special to Financial Post, 12/10/12 


BBC discussion suggests a pause in confiscation of taxpayer dollars in the face of dual problems, that temperatures have remained flat since 1998 while CO2 has increased. Money was diverted based on predicted outcomes that didn't happen which "peer reviewed literature regards as established yet unexplained:"

7/22/13, "Andrew Neil on Ed Davey climate change interview critics," BBC, Andrew Neil

Multi-billion dollar "spending decisions, paid for by consumers and taxpayers
...might not have been taken (at least to the same degree or with the same haste) if global warming was not quite the imminent threat it has been depicted....The recent standstill in global temperatures is a puzzle. Experts do not know why it is occurring or how long it will last....There is no consensus. Extensive peer-reviewed literature regards it as established yet unexplained. It is widely accepted that the main climate models which inform government policy did not predict it."...(subhead, "Reputable evidence")  


30 year peer reviewed scientific study, Jan. 1980-Dec. 2011, finds in all cases CO2 lags temperatures, never precedes temperature change. Scientists: "The common notion of globally dominant temperature controls exercised by atmospheric CO2 is in need of reassessment."
January 2013, "The phase relation between atmospheric carbon dioxide and global temperature," Global and Planetary Change,

Ole Humluma, b, Corresponding author contact information, E-mail the corresponding author,Kjell Stordahlc, Jan-Erik Solheimd 

a Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1047 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway, b Department of Geology, University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), P.O. Box 156, N-9171 Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway, c Telenor Norway, Finance, N-1331 Fornebu, Norway, d Department of Physics and Technology, University of Tromsø, N-9037 Tromsø, Norway

[Green line is global CO2, red line is surface temps., blue line is ocean temps., Jan. 1980-Dec. 2011]


"Using data series on
atmospheric carbon dioxide and global temperatures we investigate the phase relation (leads/lags) between these for the period January 1980 to December 2011....

In our analysis we use eight well-known datasets: 

1) globally averaged well-mixed marine boundary layer CO2 data, 2) HadCRUT3 surface air temperature data,
3) GISS surface air temperature data,
4) NCDC surface air temperature data,
5) HadSST2 sea surface data,
6) UAH lower troposphere temperature data series,
7) CDIAC data on release of anthropogene CO2, and
8) GWP data on volcanic eruptions."...

Washington Post: China erased US CO2 improvements in 2011:

5/25/12, "U.S. cut its carbon emissions in 2011 — but China erased the gains," Washington Post, Brad Plumer

CO2 emissions from fossil fuel dominate in underdeveloped countries:

"Although emissions from developing countries now dominate, the industrial countries set the world on its global warming path."...(scroll down to 3rd graph, this text 2 parags. below)
  "Fossil fuel use pushes carbon dioxide emissions into dangerous territory," Earth Policy Institute, Emily E. Adams

China emitted 4 billion tons more CO2 in 2011 than the US:

2/2/12, "Carbon pollution up to 2 million pounds per second," AP, Seth Borenstein

"The overwhelming majority of the increase was from China, the world’s biggest carbon dioxide polluter. Of the planet’s top 10 polluters, the United States and Germany were the only countries that reduced their carbon dioxide emissions....

The latest pollution numbers, calculated by the Global Carbon Project, a joint venture of the Energy Department and the Norwegian Research Council, show that worldwide carbon dioxide levels are 54 percent higher than the 1990 baseline."...

Far from lagging in "climate action," US politicians invented the climate industry before anyone ever heard of climate scientists. They've diverted trillions of US taxpayer dollars for "climate" for decades: 

Since at least 1990 across 13 U.S. government agencies massive US climate "action" and spending to save the global atmosphere have been mandated via the

"U.S. Global Change Research Act of 1990"

US politicians converted the US government and US taxpayers to the service of the climate industry long ago, to fight "human-induced and natural processes of global change" (Title 1...Section 101) indefinitely. Section 4 cites the desirability of reducing CO2:


Such information shall include, but need not be limited to, results of scientific research and development on technologies useful for...

promoting the conservation of forest resources which help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere;"...  

Examples of climate cash sought in 2011:

1/11/11, "Big Money in Climate Change: Who Gives, Who Gets," Al Fin


The World Bank runs $2.5 billion in carbon trading funds. "Nobody in that world is critical of the process because they are all making their living off it.”

10/12/10, "A carbon trading system draws environmental skeptics," New York Times, Patricia Brett
"In 2008 alone, carbon credit transactions amounted to close to $7 billion, it said. Yet five years after its introduction, and despite several changes, the mechanism remains open to abuse, according to many involved in climate change issues.

“The problem is that the whole mechanism is conceptually fundamentally flawed,” said Patrick McCully, executive director of International Rivers, an environmental organization in Berkeley, California, and a consultant for the U.N. Environment Program....

China is the most sophisticated player, and they have figured out how to manipulate the baseline to generate as many credits as possible with the least amount of effort,” said Professor David G. Victor, director of the Laboratory on International Law and Regulation at the University of California, San Diego."... 

At Dec. 2010 Cancun 'climate summit,' Communist China threatened to spew extra poison gas into the atmosphere if anyone messed with the millions in profits it's making via UN CDM climate deals. (This item near end of article).
12/13/10, "Perverse’ CO2 Payments Send Flood of Money to China," by Mark Schapiro, Yale Environment 360 
6/10/13, "US Carbon Dioxide Emissions Fall as Global Emissions Rise,", Paul Knappenberger
"A new report from the International Energy Agency is sparking headlines across the media. “Global carbon dioxide emissions soared to record high in 2012” proclaimed USA Today; The Weather Channel led “Carbon dioxide emissions rose to record high in 2012”; and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer added “The world pumped a record amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in 2012.”...

Notice that the U.S. is far and away the leader in reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, while China primarily is responsible for pushing global CO2 emissions higher. In fact, CO2 emissions growth in China more than offsets all the CO2 savings that we have achieved in the U.S.
This will happen for the foreseeable future. Domestic actions to reduce carbon dioxide emissions will not produce a decline in the overall atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration.  The best we can hope to achieve is to slow the rate of growth of the atmospheric concentration—an effect that we can only achieve until our emissions are reduced to zero. The resulting climate impact is small and transient."... 


2/26/13, "Tough Truths from China on CO2 and Climate," Andrew Revkin, NY Times, Dot Earth

"I’m way overdue to post excerpts here from an extraordinary recent China Dialogue with Zou Ji, the deputy director of China’s National Center for Climate Change Strategy. (China Dialogue is a fascinating independent dual-language blog...).

The interview is blunt and crystal clear in laying out the demographic and economic realities that will, for many years to come, slow any shift from Chinese dependence on coal. Zou Ji has a remarkable resume for someone now working inside the Chinese establishment, having worked previously as the China director for the World Resources Institute."...



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