Saturday, October 19, 2013

Authorities looking into threats against Ted Cruz and his family including their home address such as, 'Take down Ted Cruz at his home.' What happened to 'Gabby opened her eyes today?'

10/18/13, "Authorities looking into threat against Texas Sen. Ted Cruz," The Hill, Alexander Bolton

"Law enforcement officials are investigating a threat against Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who was vaulted into national prominence with his push to defund ObamaCare.

A person identifying himself as Troy Gilmore Jr., posted on Twitter Friday morning: “Take down Ted Cruz, at his home” and listed Cruz’s home address in Houston.

“What goes around comes around CRUZ!!” the person wrote.

The author of the threat uses the Twitter handle @ArmyVet54 and identifies himself as having served in the U.S. Army and Navy.

Sean Rushton, Cruz’s spokesman, said, “We’re aware of it and have alerted the proper authorities.”

“I can’t comment further on security matters,” he said.

At about 5:30 pm on Friday, @ArmyVet54 posted another apparent threat, urging that Cruz “needs tobe [sic] taught a street wise [sic] lesson”.

The person posted Cruz's home address several other times this month and repeatedly used threatening language.

The apparent threats are not directed at any audience in particular because @ArmyVet54 does not have any Twitter followers. But a search of Cruz’s name on Twitter can find them.

The Capitol Police takes all threats to members of Congress seriously. “We are looking into that matter,” said Officer Shennell Antrobus, a spokesman for the Capitol Police."...via Free Republic


10:53pm ET, Fri. 10/18/13, "Here’s his Twitter account (all his comments still there including Ted Cruz’ home address:"


10/18/13, "Police Investigating Graphic, Violent Threats Made Against Ted Cruz: ‘Go the F*** Back to Canada, Else You and [Your] Family Will Pay’," The Blaze, Jason Howerton

"“Lets Find Ted Cruz, Texas address and show up his House, drag him out and B***h slap his A** in front of the country,” another tweet reads.

“Ted Cruz, we want you a** go the f*** back in Canada, else you and ur family will pay. U got a f***ing big mouth,” the same person wrote.
In yet another threatening post, the user advocates hanging Cruz by his “small balls if he tries another ‘ShutdownTactic.’”"...


"Gabby opened her eyes today."

1/13/11, "Obama's Tucson speech transcript: Full text," Washington Post


Comment: The left keeps its adherents in a constant state of hatred and frenzy over imaginary opponents. They have to do this because they know they can't win based on ideas. Their ideas have never worked anywhere. Their only hope is to silence all dissent.

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