Tuesday, September 10, 2013

'Why I'll vote no on Syria strike,' Sen. Ted Cruz, Washington Post

9/9/13, "Why I’ll vote no on Syria strike," Washington Post, Senator Ted Cruz, "Ted Cruz, a Republican, represents Texas in the Senate, where he is a member of the Armed Services Committee."

"It is not the job of U.S. troops to police international norms or to send messages. Our men and women in uniform have signed up to defend America. 

On the cusp of the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, we should remember that radical Islamic fanatics have declared war on the United States and are determined to destroy our way of life. Although the president has said that the threat from radical Islamism has receded, the reality is that the threat remains. 

This threat was active at Fort Hood, where a terrorist attacked our soldiers in 2009. It was active in Libya, where terrorists murdered our ambassador and three other Americans one year ago this week. It was active this spring in Boston, where two terrorists who self-radicalized on the Internet used pressure cookers to kill civilians."...via Lucianne


After Sept. 11, 2001, Saudi Prince said US should consider changing its Mid East policies that led to the attacks:

10/12/2001, "$10 Million? NYC Says No Thanks," CBS News
NYC Mayor Giuliani and Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal 
"A Saudi prince who gave the city a relief check for $10 million, then said U.S. policies were partly to blame for the World Trade Center attack, received a stinging rebuke from the mayor and a rejection of his donation.

During his visit to the wreckage Thursday, Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal called the Sept. 11 terrorist attack "a tremendous crime."..."We are here to tell America and to tell New York that Saudi Arabia is with the United States wholeheartedly," he said.

But in a written statement handed out by his publicist, the prince said: "At times like this one, we must address some of the issues that led to such a criminal attack. I believe the government of the United States of America should re-examine its policies in the Middle East and adopt a more balanced stance toward the Palestinian cause."

Giuliani, who had attended a memorial service with Alwaleed and accepted his $10-million offer to help victims' families, had a harsh response when he learned about the statement.

"There is no moral equivalent for this attack," Giuliani said. "The people who did it lost any right to ask for justification when they slaughtered 5,000, 6,000 innocent people. Not only are those statements wrong, they're part of the problem."

Sunny Mindel, the mayor's communications director, told The Associated Press: "We are not going to accept the check — period."
The prince, an outspoken member of the Saudi royal family, is a major investor in American companies and was No. 6 on Forbes magazine's 2001 list of the world's richest men, with a worth of $20 billion.

Spokesman Amjed Shakir, reached before the prince boarded a plane for Saudi Arabia, said Alwaleed could not comment because he was unaware that the check had been rejected."... 


We must address some of the issues that led to such a criminal attack
Prince Al-Walid bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz

10/12/2001, "New York rejects Saudi millions," BBC

"New York city officials have rejected a $10m donation from a prominent member of the Saudi royal family after he said America should "re-examine its policies" in the wake of the attacks on New York and Washington. 

On a visit to the city, Prince Al-Walid bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz - a nephew of King Fahd of Saudi Arabia and one of the world's richest men - called the destruction of the World Trade Center a tremendous crime. 

But in a separate statement, he said that the US Government should reconsider its polices in the Middle East and adopt a more balanced stance toward the Palestinians. 

Mayor Rudi Giuliani said he entirely rejected the prince's comments, calling them "highly irresponsible and very, very dangerous". 

He said the people who had attacked New York had lost any right to ask for justification when they slaughtered more than 5,000 innocent people, and the Prince's cheque would not be accepted. 

Mr Walid is ranked by Forbes magazine as the world's sixth richest man, with an estimated personal fortune of $20.3bn. 

In a statement released by his company as he visited Ground Zero with the mayor, Mr Walid said: "I believe the government of the United States should re-examine its policies in the Middle East and adopt a more balanced stance toward the Palestinian cause. 

"Our Palestinian brethren continue to be slaughtered at the hands of Israelis while the world turns the other cheek." 

Speaking at a City Hall news conference later, Mr Giuliani said there could be no justification for the 11 September attacks. 

"The people who did it lost any right to ask for justification for it when they slaughtered four or five thousand innocent people, and to suggest that there is a justification for it only invites this happening in the future," he said."... 


The Saudi ambassador and “Prince Bandar turned their attention to skeptics on the House and Senate intelligence committees….His (Prince Bandar’s) son attended the pro-football draft this year at the table of owner Jerry Jones....In early April, said U.S. officials, the Saudi king sent a strongly worded message to Mr. Obama."...

8/25/13,A Veteran Saudi Power Player Works To Build Support to Topple Assad,” Wall St. Journal, by Adam Entous, Nour Malas, Margaret Coker

“Officials inside the Central Intelligence Agency knew that Saudi Arabia was serious about toppling Syrian President Bashar al-Assad when the Saudi king named Prince Bandar bin Sultan al-Saud to lead the effort."....



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9/10/11, "The 9/11 victims America wants to forget: The 200 jumpers who flung themselves from the Twin Towers who have been 'airbrushed from history'," UK Daily Mail, Tom Leonard
  • "Almost all of them jumped alone, although eyewitnesses talked of a couple who held hands as they fell."...

9/10/11, "Children of 9/11: Life with a parent missing," Newsday, Carol Polsky
9/9/11, "WaPo's Dionne: 'Time to Leave 9/11 Behind' as 'A Simple Day of Remembrance'," NewsBusters
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