Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Vichy Republicans and therefore big ObamaCare supporters McConnell and Cornyn working desperately to get Republicans to oppose Ted Cruz

9/23/13, "Exclusive–Source: McConnell, Cornyn Whipping Votes Against Ted Cruz," Breitbart, Matthew Boyle

"Instead of helping Cruz with their power as Senate GOP leaders, McConnell and Cornyn are working against him, this senior staffer said. But in the end, they will try to make it appear as though they do not support funding Obamacare by voting against Reid’s amendment after allowing Reid to implement it. “Once it's a 51-vote threshold, both McConnell and Cornyn will hide behind a 'no' vote on Reid's amendment—so they will have yet another show vote,” the staffer said.

“To be clear, nobody is fighting harder to make sure Obamacare is funded than Mitch McConnell and John Cornyn,” the senior staffer added."


After Hitler defeated France in 1940, he allowed a few cooperative Frenchmen to run a pretend government in a southern France region known as Vichy. The Vichy government was eventually condemned as criminal.


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