Thursday, September 26, 2013

The "Let ObamaCare Collapse" Theory doesn't hold up. It's already a success as a democrat slush fund-Rush Limbaugh

If Obama hasn't been blamed in the slightest for anything so far, it's unlikely he'll be blamed for ObamaCare. Besides ObamaCare is already a great success as a slush fund for democrat groups:
9/26/13, "Examining the "Let It Collapse" Theory," Rush Limbaugh

"Now, the employer mandate has been delayed until 2015, but the individual mandate has not been. The employers got a one-year waiver from being required to provide insurance for their employees. But the individual citizen is still required, mandated to have insurance, or pay a fine....

Daniel Henninger in the Wall Street Journal today says that next Tuesday when Obamacare begins its final and full implementation, what will happen is "the discrediting of the entitlement state."  In fact, his line in his piece today the Wall Street Journal is, " The discrediting of the entitlement state begins next Tuesday. Let it happen," and what he means is, this can't work.  It's going to collapse.

People have expectations based on what Obama is telling them even today of how cheap it's gonna be, of how plentiful it's gonna be, how easy it's gonna be, and none of that's gonna be -- and it's gonna collapse, and people are gonna be livid and outraged. The theory goes that as it collapses, people will all of a sudden realize that government can't do this better than the private sector, that all of this has been a lie, that all of this has been trumped up, and that we should no longer trust government for this. 

I'm sorry, but that's not the history of liberal entitlements. This stuff has to be beaten back. If the theory that it discredits itself worked, FDR would not be in the top five greatest presidents ever in as many people's minds as he is in this country. If liberalism discredited itself, Obama woulda never gotten elected, and the New Deal woulda gone by the wayside, and LBJ woulda never gotten the Great Society. Liberalism does not discredit itself.  It has to be explained and beaten back....

Here's something, for instance, from The Politico "Exchanges May Have High Out-of-Pocket Costs." We've told you over and over who is running the exchanges. They are left-wing activists like the NAACP and unions, gay rights groups.
They're the ones getting the money to staff the exchanges -- both the brick and mortar and the websites --where you're gonna get to get insurance, and they're siphoning off some of the money. It's a slush fund. The exchanges are slush fund monies, they're payoffs to the Democrats from their supporters. That's one thing. But we're now told that they're going to have "high out-of-pocket costs"? Yeah, and we're also told that the software isn't ready to go....

But this is why the regime has eliminated any verification for subsidies. This is why the regime has eliminated so many requirements so that the problems will not be faced. So we'll have to see on this collapse business. I'm not so certain, using intelligence guided by experience, as I say....

But, the Republicans all this time have not been educating people on what's wrong with this, and instead they have been portrayed as opponents, naysayers, negativists. It's Obama who's appeared positive in all this. "Oh, this is gonna be wonderful! Oh, it's gonna be cheap." So when it collapses, the media, you think they're gonna support the idea that it's Obama's fault? Who they gonna point to?...

If Obama hasn't been blamed for anything yesterday that's gone wrong, for the economy, for jobs, for the debt --if he hadn't blamed for any of that --why is he gonna get blamed for this?... 

Here, from the AP.  Ricardo Alonzo-Zaldivar. "Administration officials are quietly telling key interest groups to expect initial glitches signing up online for coverage under" Obamacare. " Two sources tell The Associated Press..." This is exactly what I'm talking about.  You've known this, that they're just now, at AP, writing stories about there might be trouble here. 

"Two sources tell The Associated Press that small businesses will not be able to enroll online starting Oct. 1 when new health insurance markets go live. Instead, one of the sources, a person who was briefed on the situation, said business owners will initially have to mail or fax their information so that they can enroll. The sources spoke on condition of anonymity because an official announcement hasn't yet been made.

"Separately, the [regime] told Hispanic groups that the Spanish-language version of its website will be not be ready to handle enrollments for a few weeks. An estimated 10 million Latinos are eligible for coverage." Nothing is ready!  Not one aspect of this is going to work. You all know that. This is exactly what I mean about the media all of a sudden now getting people ready for what's coming....

The Politico article ends with a warning that higher out-of-pocket expenses are going to keep people from going to the doctor.  Well, then why did we do Obamacare again?  Politico says this.  This is the regime's mouthpiece.  "Higher out-of-pocket expenses." Do you remember, folks, that the cap on out-of-pocket expenses has been delayed?  There is, in Obamacare, a limit on how much you will have to pay out of pocket. Those caps, those limits have been delayed for a year. 

So there's no limit on out-of-pocket expenses. And The Politico says that they are sizeable enough that they might keep people from going to the doctor, just won't have the money to afford it.  Why are we doing this again?  Why are we doing Obamacare?  If it results in costs to individuals so high they can't afford them, then why are we doing this?... 

Everything we were promised about this has turned out to be untrue. It has not lowered costs. It is a new tax. We cannot keep our plans if we like them. We cannot keep our doctor if we like him, and even if we could, he may not still be working. He may quit!  Even if you get to keep your doctor, good luck in finding him.  He might be at the cabin fishing for salmon. This law, this whole thing should go down in history as the biggest bait-and-switch ever. 

The Politico, by the way, does not mention that the caps on out-of-pocket expenses have been delayed for a year. They don't mention that. These caps were there to protect you.  These caps were in there to make sure that you don't get raped by evil insurance or evil doctors or evil pharmacists or evil whoever....So there's no limit on what you can be charged above and beyond for out of pocket things not covered by your insurance. And they're still gonna end up at the end of all this, 30 million people uninsured even after it's implemented.  Why are we doing this again?..."


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