Monday, September 23, 2013

Muslim Day Parade in Midtown Manhattan, Sun., 9/22/13, Urban Infidel was there and took many pictures, lots of Muslim Brotherhood supporters in Midtown. Updated: 3 in NY City charged with fighting for al-Shabab

9/23/13, "3 charged in NYC with fighting for al-Shabab," AP, Tom Hays

"Three men facing federal terrorism charges in New York City have strong ties to the extremist Islamic group that claimed responsibility for the deadly attack on an upscale Kenyan shopping mall."...


9/23/13, "Muslim Day Parade in Midtown Manhattan, Sept. 22, 2013," Urban Infidel


Numerous black flags of jihad at the parade (photo below) as well as white flags with same message. 

9/23/13, "Flag of Jihad raised on Madison Avenue, NYC during Kenya Jihad Massacre and All Saints Church bombing," Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs


Jihad flag on Madison Ave., 9/22/13
"At the same time as devout Muslims were separating Muslim children from non-Muslim children and executing them in cold blood in an upscale mall in Kenya, Muslims marched down Madison Avenue under the flag of jihad (the same flag the Muslims in Kenya were killing under).

At the same time as devout Muslims were bombing and attacking the historic All Saints Church and over a hundred Christians in Peshawar, American Muslims marched down Madison Avenue under the flag of jihad (the same flag the Muslims  killing Christians in Peshawar were attacking under).

At the same time as devout Muslims were gunning down 142 in Nigeria, American Muslims marched down Madison Avenue under the flag of jihad (the same flag Boko Haram was killing Christians under in Nigeria).

At the same time as Muslim homicide bombers were blowing people up in Iraq and Russia's North Caucasus,  American Muslims marched down Madison Avenue under the flag of jihad (the same flag the homicide bombers were killing Christians under in Russia)."...image above by Urban Infidel


2013 Muslim Day Parade Theme (Not a Joke), "Islam's Contribution to Human Civilization,"


9/23/13, "Muslim Day Parade 2013," Urban Infidel. Parade on 9/22/13


9/22/13, "PHOTOS: Jihad in Kenya, Death toll hits 68 in Muslim Massacre at Westgate Mall," Atlas Shrugs, Pamela Geller

Pamela posts a good selection of photos many of which are by Reuters via UK Daily Mail articles.

Some are from this article:

9/21/13, "'Five of the Kenyan mall massacre gunmen are American': Special forces storm in to free 'most' hostages following two-day stand-off with Muslim terrorists that has left 68 dead and wounded 175 more," UK Daily Mail, By Louise Boyle, Ellie Buchdahl, Stuart Woledge and Ryan Gorman

9/21/13, Above by Reuters via UK Daily Mail


9/23/13, "Ray Kelly smiles (and doesn't say much) at a Muslim Day parade,", Azi Paybarah


Muslims in Manhattan chant as innocents are slaughtered:

9/22/13, "We are Muslims, Mighty, Mighty Muslims," NYC Muslim Day Parade, Urban Infidel video, 1:31

Video entitled, ""Mighty" Muslims," by Urban Infidel


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