Saturday, September 21, 2013

Environmental policy spokesman for Germany in EU Parliament says UN IPCC results remove basis for gov. climate regulations, calls for removal of CO2 targets from German cars, no justification for 'high cost of climate change laws and their infringements of civil liberties,' Krahmer, Die Welt

""In recent IPCC report on the effect of carbon dioxide are formulated much more cautious on the climate. It is recognized for the first time, that the climate is less heated than previously predicted and that there is no explanation for it, which is compatible with the previously valid assumptions," says Holger Krahmer about the environmental policy spokesman of the FDP in the European Parliament.

He does not demand less than a shift in climate policy: "reason enough" were the IPCC results "to dispense with the tightening of emissions trading to reconsider the dangerous for the German car industry CO2 targets and to stop further eco-design product bans." All of these laws are based on the models and calculations, "in which it now appears that they do not apply," said Krahmer. "This is not enough to justify the widespread infringements of civil liberties and the high costs associated with climate change laws.""...

 9/20/13, "Scientists withdraw basis for climate regulators," Die Welt, Von Florian Eder, Ulli Kulke. Google translation from German

"From emissions trading to bulb prohibition: The EU's climate policy is based on the assumption that the Earth Heat up faster and faster. Now the IPCC rows back - leaving behind helpless regulator."

"Global warming is currently progressing significantly slower
than assumed a few years ago. In the latest, the fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC, to be officially unveiled in less than a week, it says: "The warming rate in the last 15 years (1998 to 2012) is 0.05 degrees per decade, below the trend of 1951 to 2012 with an increase of 0.12 degrees. "

In his fourth report (AR4) of the IPCC published in 2007 with much fanfare and had earned him the Nobel Peace Prize, he was generally assumed an average warming of 0.2 degrees per decade.

The authors of the summary of the new report (AR5) for politicians who present the "world", clear about one addition that the computer models on which the paper is based, the reduced warming can not explain the difference between model and measurement is "caused a good deal of unforeseen by climate variability."

The new IPCC results could not only take a small turn in the climate discourse and mean abandoning the loudest alarmism. They also deprive European and national climate regulation the basics of assumptions that previously were the policy as secured. In essence, these are two: It 'll inexorably faster warmer on earth - and the man-made emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) bear the main culprit. 

Altogether, it is said in the paper, is the 1901-2012 global temperature has risen by 0.89 degrees Celsius. The first decade of the 21st Century was the warmest official temperature measurements. The observed data from the past few years but not now correspond to the models of the researchers who had always assumed greater warming. One reason for this may be, it is said in the report that in some computer models, the carbon dioxide emissions became heavily weighted in the calculation of global warming.
Thus, the climate scientists their guesses on the "climate sensitivity" of the carbon dioxide  (CO2) have a little withdrawn....Previously assumed, on the very large effects of CO2 increase but based the EU's climate policy....

The EU sets out ambitious targets for the reduction of CO2 emissions, and they declined the specifications so consistently by all applications that by single household are affected by heavy industry all. Emissions trading about with which companies buy pollution rights, the official European "2020 target, 2020 to press the greenhouse gas emissions by a fifth under the 1990 serves. The same applies to parts of the Ecodesign Directive, the legal basis of the ban on incandescent lamps: The end for the classic pear ultimately based on the desire for carbon dioxide reduction. These are also EU legislation on the auto industry, which must reduce by 2015 the CO2 emissions from new cars to the EU average 135 grams per kilometer. Tougher regulation, which provides 95 grams by 2020 and inconcrete, but in any case, more stringent values ​​for 2025 is in prospect, the federal government has held up pretty brutal this summer....

Proponents of a gentler rate against the European industry see now confirmed.  

"In recent IPCC report on the effect of carbon dioxide are formulated much more cautious on the climate. It is recognized for the first time, that the climate is less heated than previously predicted and that there is no explanation for it, which is compatible with the previously valid assumptions," says Holger Krahmer about the environmental policy spokesman of the FDP in the European Parliament.

He does not demand less than a shift in climate policy: "reason enough" were the IPCC results "to dispense with the tightening of emissions trading to reconsider the dangerous for the German car industry CO2 targets and to stop further eco-design product bans." All of these laws are based on the models and calculations, "in which it now appears that they do not apply," said Krahmer. "This is not enough to justify the widespread infringements of civil liberties and the high costs associated with climate change laws."

This opinion did not share the EU Commissioner: "Let us imagine that in a few decades science says ' We were wrong, it was not about the climate'. "Would not it have been good in any case, to have done a lot of the necessary things that you should stop climate change?" Commissioner Connie Hedegaard recently said the "Telegraph." Even if the science is wrong, the policy based on it, there may nevertheless be correct.  

Notwithstanding the above adjustments and increased uncertainty and thus partly in contradiction to their own results to the people of the IPCC writes now "very likely" the main culprit in global warming too. He was at least half to blame for the climate change because of its emissions of greenhouse gases. In the 2007 report it was said only: "with high probability." The mention of the particularly low warming in the last decade and a half has been controversial for "world" information in the IPCC. Many of the authors were of the opinion that the period was too short to classify him as a climatic phenomenon. The Federal Government takes this position. The debate about the warming pause, however, had gained within the research in recent years, more explosive, so that the IPCC had no other choice but to take the results with the warming."  via P. Gosselin, No Tricks Zone, "Mounting IPCC fallout...Flagship daily 'Die Welt' headline: "Scientists withdraw basis for climate regulators,"!" via Climate Depot
Mounting IPCC Fallout…Flagship Daily ‘Die Welt’ Headline: “Scientists Withdraw Basis For Climate Regulators”! - See more at:


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