Monday, August 5, 2013

Why does American Geophysical Union hate US taxpayers? AGU statement is direct attack on the US taxpayer. AGU knows the millions it hopes to gain from non-existent CO2 terror are confiscated directly from the US taxpayer

"It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists."...8/10/10


"We came up with the idea of global warming."...

1991, "The First Global Revolution," A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome, Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider

page 75 :In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill.The real enemy then is humanity itself."


8/5/13, "AGU Statement on Climate Change," Dr. Judith Curry, Climate, Etc.

"Human induced climate change requires urgent action. – AGU"

"I will once again question why AGU or any other professional society is issuing statements on this topic.  IMO,  AGU’s statement is one of the worst I’ve seen from a professional society on this topic, in particular its title ‘Human-induced climate change requires urgent action.’  This is an explicit statement of advocacy, that goes well beyond what the IPCC has said (and is expected to say in the AR5; we will see).

What really irks me about this statement is that I am a member of the AGU, and therefore this statement is implicitly speaking for me.  It is clear that not even the 15 AGU members set to write this statement agreed, since one of their members (Pielke) has written a dissenting statement.  The words ‘uncertainty’ or ‘debate’ are not used in the statement, leaving no wiggle room for them to pretend that this statement accounts for the range of perspectives in the AGU (or even within the writing committee), or the uncertainties.

If the AGU wants to maintain credibility as a scientific organization, it should do some serious self reflection."


8/10/2010, "Hal Lewis: My Resignation From The American Physical Society," Global Warming Policy Foundation

"It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist. ...

So what has the APS, as an organization, done in the face of this challenge? It has accepted the corruption as the norm, and gone along with it."...

==================== listing for 1991 report describing the selection of global warming as a good crisis (p. 75), "The First Global Revolution: A Report by the Council of The Club of Rome," Alexander King, Bertrand Schneider

Comment #3 on Amazon page notes all this was written even before green advocate George Bush #1 spoke of a new world order:

"Global Baloney Goblins's "Gotcha" -- You're It, Humanity! Watch Out! December 30, 2009, By G. Charles Steiner

This book, written in 1991, precedes the attack of September 11, 2001 and George Herbert Walker Bush's speech about a New World Order yet is part and parcel of an open conspiracy to control the entire globe through One World Governance on international, national, regional, provincial and local levels by creating fear of imminent catastrophe regarding the pseudo-scientific notion of global warming along with such other threats as pollution, over-population, poverty, and biological pandemics.

Speaking as if the purpose of the Plan were indeed noble, as if the authors and the Club of Rome were magnanimously concerned about freedom, human rights, and real men and women as against corrupt bureaucrats, corrupt governments, wars, greed and selfishness, the book plainly and scarily states that the world, being in such dire straits, aware, in particular, that Western civilization's values are crumbling, needs a "common enemy" to unite all of us inhabiting this planet. "[W]e came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill." It further states that because all these so-called dangers are caused by human intervention, the "real enemy" then is "humanity itself." [Page 115 of the first edition] This open but conspiratorial plan acknowledges that there is no hard scientific data supporting "the idea" of global warming, although it asserts there is agreement (among whom?) about general "trends." [Page 50]. However, "the idea" serves as an excellent means of rousting all planetary citizens to become united under a kind of new religion whereby each individual is willing to sacrifice for the good of the whole -- in order to save humanity.

The implications for the Plan in this book are totally frightening and disturbing. The authors have spent a good deal of time finding means to use the right language and locate the precise reasons that could inflame a multiplicity of conflicting circumstances into a searing conflagration whereby individual dissenters of the Plan would be made to seem unforgivably nationalistic, greedy, selfish, reckless, and unethical should they reject worldwide collectivism, a one world governance established to help save man against himself. (Sustainable development, in the context of this book, means minimal materialism combined with obedience to and cooperation with the world state: your property rights are gone.)"


Having decided that "global warming" would be a good crisis to create world government, the 1991 report said scientists and others should be brought in to UN meetings to "reinforce" the idea so it wouldn't just be politicians. (Not a conspiracy, what they said):

p. 100, "We suggest therefore, that the opportunity should be taken to break with tradition  in creating a group of outstanding persons— political figures, yes, but reinforced by individuals from the fields of industry, economy and science."...


The 1991 report said television would be necessary (p. 101), citation below) to get the global warming crisis message to the public. This isn't conspiracy, it's in the report. It may be coincidence, but US broadcast television in 2013 has been selling the global warming terror idea and omitting science that disputes it:

If you got your news only from broadcast television networks for the first half of 2013, you wouldn't know the scientific consensus that global warming has "paused" for at least 15 years:

7/11/13, "Networks Do 92 Climate Change Stories; Fail to Mention 'Lull' in Warming All 92 Times, ABC, CBS and NBC ignore 'mystery' warming plateau in favor of alarmism about sea levels, allergies, weather." Wall St. Journal, Julia A. Seymour

"Just since Jan. 1, 2013, ABC, CBS and NBC morning and evening news programs have aired 92 stories about "climate change" or "global warming." Not a single one of those stories mentioned the "warming plateau" reported even by The New York Times on June 10."...  


Page 101 says a lot of money
will be needed, and that the cooperation of education and television executives will be needed to inform the public of the "crisis:"

page 101

"The urgent need for an intensive effort to develop alternative energy sources to partially replace fossil fuels demands an immediate and massive world effort....

This would entail considerable financial expenditure...

All principles of a national quid pro quo between contributions and benefits would have to be excluded....

All these measures cannot be implemented unless the public is well informed...We therefore call on UNESCO, Ministers of Education, parents' associations, television authorities, and others to undertake this essential task."...


Comment: Elite science societies have nothing to lose by advocating CO2 terror, have endless cash to gain as well as being treated like royalty for life. This cash in advance scam was planned over decades so it couldn't possibly fail. The point was to surround the US taxpayer so he couldn't speak or even think independently. Anyone who voiced dissent on the matter was ridiculed as stupid and selfish.


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