8/23/13, "Un-Shared Prosperity And America's Lost Decade," Zero Hedge
"Between 2000 and 2012, wages are stagnant (or have declined) for the entire bottom 70% of the wage distribution. In fact, as the latest study from the EPI shows,
for virtually the entire period since 1979 (as we have discussed a
number of times), wage growth for most
workers has been weak. The median worker saw an increase of just 5.0%
between 1979 and 2012, despite productivity growth of 74.5%, while the
20th percentile worker saw wage erosion of 0.4% and the 80th percentile
worker saw wage growth of just 17.5%. In other words, the vast
majority of wage earners have already experienced a lost decade, one
where real wages were either flat or in decline; and given the policies
(monetary and fiscal) that shows no sign of changing, it seems our recent comment that the US appears to be worse than Japan is becoming more prescient. It is obvious that the benefits of productivity growth are going increasingly to owners of capital, not to labor. Full EPI article below: Middle Class"
Upper income wages grew, others didn't, 2000-2012. Chart from Zero Hedge
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