8/22/13, "Under Obama, black unemployment back to twice the white rate," Washington Examiner, Paul Bedard
"Black unemployment, which at the end of the Bush administration broke
a decades-long pattern of being twice white unemployment, has resumed
its disturbing and prolonged trend under President Obama, with the rate
among African Americans now at 13.4 percent, according to a new Pew Research report.
In a report timed for release on the eve of the 50th anniversary of
Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Dream" speech, Pew said on Thursday: "Much has
changed for African-Americans since the 1963 March on Washington
(which, recall, was a march for 'Jobs and Freedom'), but one thing
hasn't: The unemployment rate among blacks is about double that among
whites, as it has been for most of the past six decades."
The trend broke at the end of former President George W. Bush's
administration as the recession hit whites more, temporarily boosting
their unemployment rate.
But as the recession has eased, whites have picked up more jobs.
Currently, Pew said white unemployment is 6.7 percent, exactly half the
black rate.
The trend has history on its side. Pew said that going back to 1954,
the earliest year in which the Bureau of Labor Statistics studied the
data, the white rate was 5 percent and the black rate 9.9 percent." via Drudge
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