Saturday, August 31, 2013

UK a winner, doesn't allow rule by decree. Many Americans are jealous. US Republican House won't oppose anything Obama does be it illegal, immoral, or unconstitutional, will accept being lied to, won't use their power of the purse

8/30/13, "Deadly serious in Syria," Legal Insurrection, William A. Jacobson

Commenter to above suggests instead that we're jealous because the US has no checks on Obama's rule by decree. We're stuck with embarrassments like McCain and Boehner:

by Subotai Bahadur | August 30, 2013 at 10:53 am

"As buggered up as Britain is, and however much its government resembles a football bat; their Parliament at least some of the time takes its constitutional function seriously and acts as a check on the Executive’s attempts to rule by decree. A lot of Americans are jealous. The Democrats in Congress vote in lockstep with the White House akin to the old Supreme Soviet voting with the Politburo. And the Institutional Republicans vote like they are aspirant members of the Supreme Soviet wanting to impress the Politburo with their zeal. 

The Republican House will not seriously oppose anything Obama does, be it illegal, immoral, or unconstitutional. They will accept being lied to under oath with no reaction. They will accept the setting up of the precursor of a police state; and give every indication that the actual establishment of one will go unopposed. And they will not use the power of the purse to fulfill their constitutional duty to protect the Constitution. What you see is envy and admiration. Would that we had at least one party in Congress with a measurable testosterone count.

Subotai Bahadur"


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