Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers tells constituents ObamaCare is fine, no different than car insurance, won't seek to defund it. Rep. Rogers lied in 2010 when she said she favored defunding

8/28/13, A caller to Mark Levin's show Wednesday, 8/27/13, said he attended a recent town hall meeting in Washington state with Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers. Someone asked her if she'd vote to exclude funding for ObamaCare. She said, no, ObamaCare is fine, it's no different than car insurance. Meaning Rep.  Rodgers lied in 2010 when she said favored defunding ObamaCare:


We gave the GOP House a supermajority in Nov. 2010 to make it easy for them to defund ObamaCare. The House has 100% latitude to defund. 'Repeal' is of course entirely different and can't be done unilaterally by the House. Rep. Rodgers and her pal Boehner both lied in 2010:

8/21/13, "In 2010 all 4 members of the House GOP leadership pledged to defund ObamaCare," John Hawkins,

"Almost immediately after Obamacare passed, I started pushing the idea of cutting off the funds for it in the House. It got a little traction at the time and I went so far as to ask all four of the GOP’s top leaders in the House if they’d support cutting off the funds for Obamacare. 

Here’s what they had to say back in July of 2010:

"If we are successful in repealing ObamaCare – and I’m going to work my heart out to repeal it – that would automatically – by definition – cut off the increased, out-of-control spending in the Obama-Pelosi health care bill. As House Republicans constantly told President Obama and Speaker Pelosi “We need to start over.” Once we’re back at Square One – the way things were before ObamaCare – we can begin a better process focused on smaller reforms that can gain bipartisan
support -medical liability reform, enabling small businesses to pool together to purchase health insurance, allowing insurance to be purchased across state lines, etc. — Cathy McMorris Rodgers"

At the time, I noted Cathy McMorris Rodgers “punted on the question, but when I ran into her at at the 2010 Smart Girl Summit in September of that year, she personally told me that despite her somewhat ambiguous answer, she was very much in favor of defunding Obamacare."...

Here are Boehner and Cantor in July 2010:

""We are going to fight to repeal this government takeover of health care and start over with solutions that focus first on lowering costs. Cutting off funding for ObamaCare is absolutely something I support. For example, I would support moving as soon as possible to deny any funding for the estimated 16,500 IRS employees that will be needed to implement ObamaCare. House Republicans will continue to stand with the American people against this unconstitutional government takeover of health care. — John Boehner"

"Yes, without question. Republicans will use every tool available to us to repeal the harmful law. Even in the minority, House Republicans have forced votes to immediately repeal some of the most egregious provisions of the law, including a vote to repeal the individual mandate. — Eric Cantor"...

Comment: Cantor didn't bother to lie, avoided the subject of defunding and spoke about meaningless votes to repeal. Three years have gone by and Boehner hasn't allowed defunding to be mentioned on the House floor. The GOP is so anxious to make America a third world toilet it even put the ObamaCare defunding measure in a GOP controlled committee and made sure it was "deadlocked" indefinitely. In third world toilets politicians aren't bothered by an annoying middle class because it doesn't exist:

9/29/11, "Draft spending bill would defund Obama healthcare law," The Hill, Sam Baker

"House Republicans released a draft spending bill Thursday that would cut off funding for many parts of the healthcare reform law, though the bill remains deadlocked in the Appropriations Committee."...


7/29/13, Senator Mike Lee on Mark Levin show, mentions website to sign petition to stop funding for ObamaCare



Comment: 8 years of destroying the country wasn't enough for the Bush crowd. The GOP/Bush crowd and Rupert Murdoch want the same things the radical left does. The "gridlock" story line is a charade. They're all on the same side against the people. The store is being sold out to the bare walls. Many of these people should be in prison for the rest of their lives:

In June 2007,  Peggy Noonan said George Bush #1 and #2 had destroyed the Republican Party, and since at least 2004 the grassroots had more than ample reason to leave the Bush crowd. Her own separation from the Bush admin. began in Jan. 2005:

6/2/2007, "Too bad," Wall St. Journal column by Peggy Noonan:

What political conservatives and on-the-ground Republicans must understand at this point is that they are not breaking with the White House on immigration. They are not resisting, fighting and thereby setting down a historical marker -- "At this point the break became final." That's not what's happening. What conservatives and Republicans must recognize is that the White House has broken with them. What President Bush is doing, and has been doing for some time, is sundering a great political coalition. This is sad, and it holds implications not only for one political party but for the American future.

The White House doesn't need its traditional supporters anymore, because its problems are way beyond being solved by the base. And the people in the administration don't even much like the base."...   


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