Sunday, August 11, 2013

One person a day tries to commit suicide on UK railways. Of 6000 suicides in UK in past yr., about 240 were committed on railway tracks-BBC

8/11/13, "Samaritans aim to cut suicides on railways in Wales," BBC

"Volunteers from Samaritans are hoping to reduce the numbers of suicides on Welsh railways by visiting stations to raise awareness of help available.

The charity says the number of suicides in general is rising, with anecdotal evidence that people are concerned about jobs and benefit changes. Leaflets will be given to passengers at south Wales stations to encourage them to call the charity if they need help.

On average, one person a day tries to take their life on the UK's railways....

Suicide rates in Wales have risen 30% in two years to the highest level since 2004 and are higher than in England. Figures from the Office for National Statistics show that in 2011, 341 people in Wales took their own lives, up from 258 in 2009.

It is not known how many of these committed suicide on the railways.

But Samaritans said of around 6,000 suicides in the UK last year, 4% - about 240 - were committed on railway tracks.

Ms Smith said that anecdotally, volunteers had noticed more calls from people worried about their jobs and changes to benefits.

"With the economic climate, the expectation is there's a need for greater support," she added. "It's a very difficult time for people."


Prince Phillip will be happy about increased suicide deaths:

"Let Them Get Malaria"

 Dec. 1981, His Royal Highness Prince Phillip 

p. 42, pdf, "I was in Sri Lanka, where malaria was controlled by DDT. What people didn't realize was that malaria was actually controlling population growth."


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